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Straight Six with Storm Timson


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Storm Timson

Recently, we caught up with 2009 "athlete" prospect Storm Timson from Licking Heights High School in suburban Columbus. At this early stage, Storm appears to be one of the top juniors in the state of Ohio. Here's what Storm had to say about a number of topics, including Buckeye football:

1. When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

When I think about Ohio State football, I think about the rivalry with Michigan and the great players they have had.

2. What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

I would like to play running back or strong safety in college. I like running back because I like having the opportunity to make something big happen, and strong safety because I love to hit. I also like returning kicks because of the chance to make things happen.

3. What goals have you set for yourself personally and for your team this season?

My personal goals are to be able to improve in my game overall, whether it is my speed, quickness, strength , or knowledge of the game. I would like to be able to help my team gain some respect within the league and the state. I think we have a very good shot at being a playoff team this year.

4. When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Storm Timson?

I would like people to remember me as a good leader and team player that played the game to it's full potential.

5. If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what areas still need some work?

Strengths would be my speed and quickness both on offense and defense, getting into right formations, and knowing my assignments. I still need work in coverage skills, and not being overly aggressive.

6. "Storm" is an interesting first name. Is there a story behind that name?

I was born the same day my father was returning home from Desert Storm, and it was a stormy night so that's why my grandmother suggested I be named Storm.

For a more complete interview with Storm, check out RecruitingPlanet.
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