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Straight Six with Steve Greer


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Steve Greer


The term "throwback" is overused these days.

Of course, we all understand the term is referring to players who remind spectators of a time lost, a time of savage hits, of minimal rules, and of men who seemingly did not feel pain, but actively sought every opportunity to dish it out.

As overused as the term is, when watching Steve Greer it is difficult to find a more fitting description. Hitters are born not made and Steve Greer was born to hit. We slowed Steve down just long enough for another version of The Straight Six...

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

SG: Tradition. The spirit of Ohio that only someone who grew up here really understands.

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

SG: Linebacker is my favorite. Any of the three spots are not a problem. I love to read, accelerate, and plaster. That?s exciting. That being said, I will do the very best at whatever position it takes to win team Championships. Winning is what makes it totally worthwhile. As long as I am a part of that, I?m happy.

BPRT: This is your senior year...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

SG: Well the season is over, but before it started it was to win a D1 Ohio Sate Championship. My goals were to be the very best physically and mentally and to be prepared for the season. I worked really hard all during the off season to be my best. I also tried to participate in the off season in as many camps combines as I could to get the competitive stuff out of them. That competition is what gets me going and laid the foundation for the season.

BPRT: When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Steve Greer?

SG: Tell it like it is...no crap. I also love to help people. I am always for and love to be the underdog. Most of all I want to be remembered as "UNCOMMON".

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

SG: My strength is the way I accelerate to the football and what I bring when I get there. I think I can cover sideline to sideline and have the ability to take on anything up the middle that comes my way. Needs Work? What needs work is my overall technique. What I get away with in High school I know will not wash in College. I need to read faster and better. Also the most important thing that I need to really concentrate on is staying low. If you don?t stay low in college, you get your head knocked off. Staying low all the time puts all your strength right where it needs to be when nailing someone and when people try to block me. On pass drops, I will get better too. Consistency is the key to all.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

SG: I never get away. I love it too much. I like to go sight seeing and love to go to good restaurants with my family and spend time with all my brothers and sisters. Relax.

The BPRT would like to thank Steve Greer for his time and wish him the best of luck in his bright future...we are all hoping that future includes saturday afternoons in Columbus.

Steve Greer's Official BP Thread