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Straight Six with Ryan Smoot


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Ryan Smoot


This edition of the Straight Six finds the BPRT talking with Columbus Africentric's Ryan Smoot. A talented two-way standout, Ryan has already been offered by a couple of Division I schools and is hearing from several others. Recognized as a solid student and leader off the field, Ryan has drawn the interest of a couple of the service academies...a direct reflection of his character and work ethic. Here are Ryan's responses to our Straight Six:

1. This is your senior year...what goals do you have for your team and for yourself personally?

For my team goals I want for us to have a good year and make it into the playoffs. It is very possible to do. My goals personally are to stay hungry and keep working hard. I can always keep improving and getting stronger and faster. I want to record at least 150 tackles, garner 1st Team All-State, and Defensive Player of the Year for Division 6. I want to be the leading tackler.

2. What position would you like to play in college and why?

I want to play strong safety in college. I can play cornerback or running back but most schools like me at strong safety or corner back. I want to play this position because my favorite player, Bob Sanders of the Indianapolis Colts plays this position and I believe we have the same playing style. I prefer to attack the ball with a vengeance as he does and play the game with reckless abandon. I can see myself getting up to around 190-200 pounds and bringing the heat from the safety spot or corner back spot.

3. When your football playing days are over, how would you like people to remember Ryan Smoot?

When I am done playing football, I want people to remember me as the player who constantly strived to be the best. I want to be remembered as someone who played the game with passion and would do anything to be the best player I can be. I want to be someone for younger players to look up to.

4. If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you say are some of your strengths and what are some areas you would like to improve on?

If I were analyzing myself on film I would say that my positives are that I am always pursuing the ball with a vengeance trying to make the tackle. I play with a high motor and I pursue the ball every play. A friend of mines who plays strong safety for Oklahoma St. (Deron Fontenot) told me on game film, when a college coach watches you, he wants to see what you are doing when you don't make the tackle. Are you standing around or are you sprinting to the ball to make the tackle. I believe I do a good job at this. My weakness, I would say I can improve everything. Shedding blockers, but more importantly everything can be improved. You can never stop getting better and improving.

5. What college are you hearing from (or have offers from) and what schools are you most interested in?

I still have offers from Eastern Michigan and Air Force. I am hearing from mostly all of the MAC conference, Cincinnati, Marshall, Eastern Kentucky, Illinois State, Indiana State, Brown, Holy Cross, Illinois and others. I am interested in every school and I have a list of about 20 schools that I am concentrating on. It would be nice to go to a school in Ohio from the MAC or Cincinnati because I have been taking college courses at Columbus State Community College since my sophomore year and they will transfer for sure to any school in Ohio. I am close to completing my Associates Degree from Columbus State Community College.

6. What are some of your favorite things to do when you aren't playing football?

When I'm not playing football I have to study. It's important to me to study and pass all my classes over at Columbus State Community College. I only have one class back at Africentric so I need to earn passing grades in those classes. I like to work out all the time with my trainers, Cory Ray and Mick Tate. Both of them have been instrumental in preparing me athletically for the season. I work part time as well on the weekends at a restaurant. Other than that my life revolves around school and football. I don't go to parties and I don't really go outside too much. I just go outside in my back yard and work on my footwork and lift weights every day.

The BPRT would like to thank Ryan for participating in the "Straight 6."

Ryan is really a beast. He had 35 tackles in a game his freshman year. And this year he already has 50+ tackles in two games. Including 88 yards and 1 TD rushing last week.

His team, which just dropped back to Division 6 this year, has a very good chance of making the playoffs. Considering they play Division 2 and 3 schools in the City League. Only one D6 school on their schedule, and the rest are D2 and D3.

They are currently 2-0
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On top of that, Ryan is extremely courteous and was a pleasure to email with...just could not have been nicer. I am hoping some more D1 schools take not because I think he has the talent to play at a lot of schools. His film was impressive and the numbers he is putting up make him the Isaiah Pead of defense in the City League.
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