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Straight Six with Jeff Lucas


Capo Regime
Staff member
Straight Six with Jeff Lucas​

When it comes to producing football talent, few states can match the players in Ohio. While a majority of these kids grow up dreaming of playing in Ohio Stadium, the harsh reality is that not everyone gets that opportunity. Therefore, college programs from across the nation come to the Buckeye state hoping to grab some of this incredible talent. St. Edward's linebacker Jeff Lucas is a perfect example of this. The hard-nosed Lucas is taking his throwback style and incredible passion for the game to New Mexico State University to play for Head Coach Hall Mumme. The BPRT had a chance to speak with Jeff and find out more about this in-state talent with The Straight Six.

BPRT: St. Ed's has produced a number of great athletes over the years. Who were some of your idols from the school and who is the best player with whom you have shared the field?

JL: My idol has to be Tom Cousineau. He coached me a lot when I was a junior and really taught me some sound fundamentals in the limited amount of time we spent together. Coach Cousineau was a linebacker for St. Edward back in the '70s. He later went on to star for Ohio State, the CFL, and THE Cleveland Browns. I still talk to him on occasion and he always gets me psyched up for big games. The best player I have shared the field with has to be Alex Boone. He can really move for a big guy and you always saw him blocking 20 yards down field. Pound for pound, I think my current teammate, DT Debo Elias, is also one of the best players I've been on the field with.

BPRT: What guided you to New Mexico State instead of a closer MAC school?

JL: New Mexico State is on the rise. Coach Hal Mumme and his staff arrived last year and are really putting together a good team. Most of their starters are freshman and sophomores and they're really holding their own this year. New Mexico State's LBs are juniors and seniors so there is a real opportunity to either start, or see significant playing time next year. Coach Mumme said I will have an immediate impact on his defense. I am the only linebacker they have offered this year which also meant a lot to me. They didn?t mess around and string things along. The said they would offer and they did. With all the terrific talent around the country, it was nice to see a team so far away have such an interest in me. I don?t think it was a choice between NMSU and a MAC school. Sure, Ohio U, Bowling Green and Akron are recruiting me, but I am also being recruited by North Carolina State, Purdue, Kansas, Louisiana Tech, Texas A&M, TCU, Boise State, Wisconsin and Tulsa. As you can see, my choices are not limited to the MAC. I just think that with what's happening down at NMSU, the great engineering program they have, the warm climate, and the terrific coaches, it's just the right fit for me. It's a young team with a lot of promise and I want to be a part of the great things that will be happening there.

BPRT: What will you miss the most about high school?

JL: I think I'll just miss all of my teammates. We all hang out together outside of school and are a very close group. Friends like that are hard to come by.

BPRT: Tell us about the best hit you ever delivered. How about the hardest shot you ever received?

JL: The hardest hit I ever delivered was on a kickoff against St. Ignatius a couple years ago. We kicked off, the Iggy kid caught the ball, and I caught him just right. I got under his facemask and flattened him out. He needed a few stiches to close up his chin. It was one of those hits that just felt right! The hardest I have ever been hit was in practice as a junior. Alex Boone pulled on a run to my side. I came in on our running back and saw Boone out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling. I don't remember much after that.

BPRT: Which coach has made the greatest impact on you as a person?

JL: Tom Cousineau has made the biggest impact on me. It was just such a great honor to be tutored by Coach Cousineau. I only wish I could someday be as good a linebacker as he was.

BPRT: When it's all over, how do you want people to remember Jeff Lucas?

JL: I want people to remember me as a tough, nasty player. I just enjoy the game so much. I love the hitting and the punishment that I dish out on the field. I want people to remember me as one of the nastiest players around.

The BPRT would like to thank Jeff Lucas for taking the time to participate in this interview. Best of luck Jeff. We have full confidence that you will be another prime example of Ohio talent.
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BP Recruiting Team;667361; said:
BPRT: Tell us about ... the hardest shot you ever received?

The hardest I have ever been hit was in practice as a junior. Alex Boone pulled on a run to my side. I came in on our running back and saw Boone out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling. I don't remember much after that.


Glad Boone is on our side!

Great interview, BTW - one of the best Straight Sixes yet!
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