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Straight Six with Daniel Lombardo


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Daniel Lombardo


The BPRT is getting a jump on the class of 2010 with Lima Central Catholic speedster Daniel Lombardo. The current Sophomore burst onto the recruiting scene as a 9th grader by posting a blazing 4.37 40-yard dash time at the National Underclassmen Combine. Daniel has obvious interest in the Buckeyes, but he is also hearing from Illinois and likes Clemson, Notre Dame, Michigan, and Penn State. A dangerous playmaker in space, Lombardo was slowed down long enough by the BPRT to complete another round of The Straight Six.

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

DL: I think of a football team that I have dreamed of playing for my entire life and the best football program in the nation.

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

DL: I see myself as a Slot/Split End in college because of my speed and my big play ability, but if I were asked to play DB, I would do my best to help my team win football games at that position.

BPRT: You are halfway through your high school career...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

DL: I would love to help my team win a conference championship and go as far as we can in the playoffs and to someday play football at the collegiate level.

BPRT: When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Daniel Lombardo?

DL: I would like people to remember Daniel Lombardo as a great football player for the Lima Central Catholic Thunderbirds and the Ohio State Buckeyes that always gave 110%, was a good teammate, and helped win football games.

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

DL: I would say that my strengths are my speed and my ability to make big plays and I would say that I need to work on being able to slow down and let plays develop.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

DL: I like to be with my friends, I like to exercise and lift weights and be with my family.

Daniel Lombardo--Official BP Thread

Daniel Lombardo--Official Recruiting Planet Thread

The BPRT would like to thank Daniel Lombardo for taking part in The Straight Six. We look forward to watching this young man's career.
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