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Straight Six with Cameron Iuliucci


Capo Regime
Staff member
Recently, we caught up with Cameron Iuliucci (pronounced "I-lew-chi", for those of you who interested in debating such things). Cameron is a junior offensive line recruit from Setauket (New York) Ward Melville High School who is fast-rising prospect. In the upcoming months, Cameron should emerge as one of the top offensive linemen in the country for the class of 2009. Here's what Cameron had to say about recruiting in general, his goals for the future, and his recent visit to Ohio State:

1. You are generally considered to be one of the top prospects for the class of 2009. What schools are recruiting you right now? Do you have any offers yet? Do you have any early favorites? Any "dream schools"?
I'm being actively recruited by many schools including: Boston College, Connecticut, Florida State, Miami of Florida, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Purdue, Rutgers, Syracuse, and Wake Forest, in no specific order. And no offers yet. I can't really answer the last two questions. I'm equally torn between all the schools because I'm still doing research and learning their policies. And no, I don't really have a so-called "Dream School".​

2. You recently made an unofficial visit to Ohio State, for the Illinois game. How was your visit? What were some of your impressions of Ohio State, The Horseshoe, Buckeye fans, and the city of Columbus?
The visit was amazing. The fans were like no fans I have ever seen anywhere else. The entire atmosphere in Columbus was all Buckeyes and that is something I love.​

3. What goals have you set for yourself personally and for your team this season?
I try to average 5 or more pancakes a game. And if I'm on defense, one or two sacks is my usual. As far as the team, we didn't do so well this year. Next year we're hoping to come back and make our way to the division championship.​

4. When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Cameron Iuliucci?
As the most aggressive person on the field. Yet as a nice kid off the field.​

5. I know it's still very early, but what position do you see yourself playing in college? Are you an offensive lineman all the way, or could you see yourself on the defensive side of the ball?
I'm an offensive guard. However, if the team needs me to play defense, I'm not going to whine and complain, I'm going to suit up and get me some tackles!​

6. Is there anything else that you'd like to tell us about yourself?
Nope, except GO BUCKS!​

We'd like to thank Cameron Iuliucci for taking a few minutes to answer our interview questions, and we wish him the best during his senior season in high school, and wherever he attends college. Keep us posted on your progress over the next year, and don't be a stranger to BuckeyePlanet (he posts under the username "Cameron").

For a more complete interview with Cameron, please check out RecruitingPlanet.