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Straight 6 with Marc Stevens


Capo Regime
Staff member
Straight 6 with Marc Stevens

Recently, the BPRT had the opportunity to interview one of Ohio's best offensive line prospects for 2008. Lexington High School's Marc Stevens is a physical specimen at a towering six feet six inches, a ham sandwich beneath three hundred pounds, and a slim forty inch waist. Stevens is light on his feet for such a big man as he can run the forty-yard dash in 5.3 seconds and has a twenty-one inch vertical leap. He prides himself on his tenacity and "team-first" mentality. However, the most impressive aspect of this prospect lies in his prowess in the classroom. Marc has 3.5 GPA and has already registered a 26 on the ACT. However, he is not even close to being satisfied and recently scored a perfect 4.0 in the latest grading period while also preparing to hit his goal of a 30 on the upcoming ACT. That type of hunger is what makes good players into great players. Although the majority of the 2008 offensive line buzz has gone to players named Adams, Long, Brewster, Shugarts, and Sanders, Marc Stevens is determined to fulfill his dream. Based on what we've seen so far, don't be surprised to see him accomplishing that goal.​
BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

MS:I think of national champions, traditions, winning and paying forward off the field.

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

MS:In college I want to be a guard. I want to be a guard because I love to pull, trap, and blow people up.

BPRT: This is your senior year...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

MS:For my personal goals I want to be first team all Ohio and all American. I would also like to bench over 400 and squat over 600. As for my team goals, I want to go undefeated. I want us to win a state championship.

BPRT:When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Marc Stevens?

MS: Simply as the best.

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

MS:My strengths are my feet and tenacity. My run and pass blocking are pretty solid but could always use some more work. I feel that I finish my blocks pretty well but I would like to be more consistent. My explosion off the ball could use some work. I feel my speed and agility are ok but could use a lot of work. Basically, I will be working on the fundamentals of the position.

BPRT:What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

MS:When I'm away from football I love to lift and workout. I also love to hang out with my friends and just chill.


The BPRT would like to thank Marc Stevens and his father, Bob Stevens, for taking the time to complete the Straight Six. We will keeping a close eye on this young man as his career progresses.

Marc Stevens BP Thread