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Straight 6 with Jake Stoneburner


Capo Regime
Staff member
With Jake Stoneburner



The BPRT has already brought you a closer look at one of the rising stars at Dublin Coffman High School when Trey Fairchild participated in the Straight 6. Now, we are pleased to give you a closer look at another major prospect in 6'5", 220 pound wide receiver, Jake Stoneburner. That frame has caught the attention of many top-tier college football programs. However, at the Army All-American Combine in San Antonio, Jake really turned heads by turning out a 4.53 40-yard dash and a 4.37 pro shuttle. Throw in a very impressive highlight reel where Jake shows excellent hands, body control, and burst and you have a major national prospect. Almost immediately, Clemson and Iowa offered while Notre Dame and the hometown Buckeyes are showing heavy interest. Recently, the BPRT had an opportunity to catch up with Jake for a "Straight 6" interview.

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

JS: I think of tradition, championships, the 'Shoe, and pride.

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

JS: To me, just being able to play college football would be amazing, but I would have to say wide receiver. I have been playing that position since 7th grade and its what I've grown up loving.

BPRT: This is your senior year...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

JS: As a team, we want to win the Division I state championship, which most teams strive for, but I think our team is very capable of doing it. As for me, I just want to perform my best each week in order for our team to win and be successful.

BPRT: When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Jake Stoneburner?

JS: I woud like people to remember me as a leader and a great football player.

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

JS: I would say my strengths would have to be my size, speed, and ball skills. My weakness would probably be my strength for now. I am really working on it in the off season and that is something that can easily be improved.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

JS: I like to play basketball and play video games. I also love to eat and I eat all the time. I also seem to hang out with Trey Fairchild everyday so you could say I like to hang out with my friends.

The BPRT would like to thank Jake Stoneburner for participating in the "Straight 6."

Jake Stoneburner Official BP Thread