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Straight 6 with Garrett Goebel


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Garrett Goebel

It was a long process, but the BPRT stayed after it...

Garrett Goebel does not like attention. He does not like telling anyone what he is about to do. Instead, he wants to show you and let that impression burn itself into your memory. A standout two-way lineman as well as a stalwart on the wrestling mat, Garrett Goebel is an athlete who garnishes his natural talent with a furious intensity that focuses on destroying anything in his path. It took a while, but the BPRT finally cornered Garrett long enough to get a "Straight 6" interview guaranteed to get your adrenaline pumping.

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

GG: I think of the winning tradition, history of accomplishments, prominent players and coaches, and incredible fan support!!!

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

GG: DT/DE. I want the CHALLENGE of taking on multiple opponents each play and having multiple responsibilities. Success is based on sacrifice, skill level, and dedication to be all that GOD has desired for me such as quickness, strength, hand-fighting, toughness, and being relentless.

BPRT: This is your senior year...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

GG: I plan on winning Conference, winning all playoff games, and becoming the Illinois Class 5A Champions!!! Also, developing leadership skills while convincing my teammates that they can perform at a higher level and accomplish team/personal goals IF THEY ARE WILLING TO MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE!!!

BPRT:When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Garrett Goebel?

GG: I want to be remembered as a leader, someone who gave 100% of his ENERGY every practice, workout and GAME while believing in accomplishing goals that others discounted. Dedicated, yet sincere, honest and humble while giving thanks to GOD to have this opportunity.

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

GG: Strengths: Quickness off the ball, strength, aggressiveness, always giving 100% effort until whistle blows.

Weaknesses: Making a play instead of trying to rip my opponents head off. Discipline and technique.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

GG: I like to play NCAA and Madden on Xbox 360. I like to lift weights and stay in shape. I also like to hangout with my buddies.

The BPRT would like to thank Garrett Goebel for taking part in the Straight 6. We look forward to seeing him cause chaos in the trenches.

Garrett Goebel's Official BP thread
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Garrett is one of the players I would most like to see us land and it's good to see the shape we are in to land him. Not only is he a great player at a position we are in need of but he is also a great person...the exact type of player JT wants at OSU. Great job on the interview BRPT.
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