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Straight 6 with Alex Thomas


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Alex Thomas


It is already an established fact that the in-state talent of 2009 is extremely deep across the board. Although he has not received the publicity of some of the other prospects, Alex Thomas is a name to remember. Combining size, improving speed, and tenacity with a selfless versatility makes Alex a very intriguing prospect. The BPRT caught up with the Stow-Monroe Falls High School signal caller for another round of "The Straight Six."

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind? So many things come to mind?

AT: I think of OSU vs Michigan, Woody, Troy Smith, 2002 Championship and great Tradition.

BPRT: What position would you prefer to play in college and why?

AT: I would choose Running Back. It is a new position for me, but I seem to be doing well.

BPRT: This is your Junior year...what goals have you set personally and for your team?

AT: My goals are to prove myself as a starter. I want to work hard at practice and during games to make my way to the top and make sure I help my team have a great season.

BPRT: When your career is over, how would you like people to remember Alex Thomas?

AT: I want to be remembered as a hard worker, who gave all he could.

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and what needs some work?

AT:I have good vision and run hard. I need to work on my blocking.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

AT: I hang out with friends, play other sports, attend youth group and watch football.
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