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Script Ohio on BSR: Dee Miller talks 2015 and Braxton Miller

Joe Dexter


It’s #VirginiaTechWeek on Script Ohio and we had a very interesting guest stop by on Wednesday to help us get ready for the season.

Dee Miller was a staple on offense during Ohio State’s strong run in the late 90’s. The former Buckeye wide receiver is 8th all-time on Ohio State’s receptions and receiving yards record books.

Clair and I were pumped to have him on to talk about the upcoming season and what he expects from the defending national champions.

Dee also touches on his thoughts on Braxton Miller, the receiver corps heading into Virginia Tech, playing for John Cooper, and Joe Germaine’s place in Ohio State history.

He also shared his feelings on how the game has changed for the better, his first Buckeye moment and how the 98 Buckeyes would fare in the College Football Playoff era.

That and much more on today’s Script Ohio. You can hear Clair and I every single weekday on VSporto’s Buckeye Sports Radio. You can download the iOS app today and coming soon to the Android app as well.

Thanks for listening and Go Buckeyes!

The post Script Ohio on BSR: Dee Miller talks 2015 and Braxton Miller appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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