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MotS&G Saved by the Bell

Parker Eads

Saved by the Bell
Parker Eads
via our good friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here

Vonn Bell had an interception in his first career start vs. Clemson in the Orange Bowl two years ago. He had a huge impact as a sophomore last year as the Buckeyes won a national title. Photo taken by Marvin Fong (The Plain Dealer)

On a team where the offensive firepower gets all the love, praise, and attention – look no further for a bigger play-maker than Buckeyes’ junior safety Vonn Bell.

As a sophomore last season, Bell recorded 91 tackles, and he lead the Big Ten in interceptions with a total of six en route to winning the National Championship.

In case Buckeye fans forgot, Bell made this spectacular play in last year’s College Football Playoff Semifinal against the Alabama Crimson Tide. Poor Nick Saban and Lane Kiffin and their high hopes…

Fast forward to a new season, and the Chattanooga, TN native picked up where he left off by making two crucial plays for the Silver Bullets in last weekend’s 38-0 shutout over Hawaii.

The first came with just two minutes left to go in the first half when Hawaii was threatening to score in Ohio State territory. Bell made a great tip drill interception after the ball flew off a Hawaii receiver’s hands. This kept the shutout intact and gave the Buckeyes a chance for a field goal before the half to extend the lead to 17-0.

In a game where the offense was less than impressive, the Silver Bullets took their shot at scoring themselves. With the score at 24-0 and in no doubt of the winner, the Buckeyes needed to make the score look better than it did, and the defense capitalized on a ping-pong fumble recovery for a touchdown by Jalyn Holm… Darron L… Vonn Bell.

The Buckeyes eventually put the game away convincingly, but if it weren’t for the defense, the game would have been a lot more interesting than it was. As the saying goes, defense wins championships, and this Buckeyes defense is back with something to prove. Granted it was against Hawaii, the defense proved that. The importance of this defense to control the game and take pressure off the offense is more crucial to none, especially when such high expectations are laid upon such a high-powered offense.

What a great day it was for the Silver Bullets and Vonn Bell.

Great team win but especially great day for the SILVER BULLETS!!!! #BIA #LETITFLY

— Vonn Bell (@TheVonnBell7) September 12, 2015

His fellow safety welcomed him to Zone 6 as Bell’s scoop n’ score went for his first touchdown as a Buckeye.

The defense had so much fun on the field tonight. I love my teammates and s/o to my bro @thevonnbell7 Zone 6! #SilverBullets #Brotherhood

— Tyvis Powell (@1Tyvis) September 13, 2015

When the stakes are high and a big play is needed – Vonn Bell shows up…BIG.


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