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Rumblin’ Stumblin’ Bumblin': Ohio State vs. Virginia Tech



In what is sure to be one of the longest weekends ever for Buckeye fans there will be plenty to talk about. I am not one to beat a dead dog so there will be no mentions of fans in this article which I believe will be a first! In all honesty, RSB was intended to be a play on Chris Berman’s play calling, but has really turned into The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Let’s get rolling with the very good.


JT and Cardale during Scarlet and Gray Days last episode.

Has there ever been a more documented quarterback battle in the history of quarterback battles? I think not — and at first glance it has only strengthened the relationship between JT Barrett (who i think won the job) and Cardale Jones. If not for BTN’s Scarlet and Gray Days, we might not have actually had that glimpse into their friendship.

Both quarterbacks haven’t been bashful about their relationship, but sometimes it’s difficult for us fans to really see how something so heated doesn’t create issues between them, let alone make them better friends. Maybe that’s the reason it’s going so well for both players right now. They both have had the times of their lives, set the tone for their own futures, and know in their hearts that the team is in good hands with the other.

I have not had the opportunity in my lifetime to enjoy what happened at the end of last season, let alone what we are seeing happen before our very eyes in camp. Regardless of who starts on Monday, the team will be led well and by a person who has his best friend as a backup.


Braxton needs to be up to speed for Zone 6 to have a fighting chance Monday night against VaTech.

I rarely complain about one of the nine units situations but would feel like I neglected an important topic heading into VaTech. I think the world of Zach Smith and the job that he has done as the wide receivers coach. I still believe that with the suspensions that are in effect, the Buckeyes are stumblin’ a little bit headed into Monday nights affair.

Just knowing that he has had to try and prepare Braxton Miller and Torrence Gibson (two QB’s at heart BTW) to be starters or contribute in a short amount of time, leads me to believe we may be in trouble. I am not saying that Michael Thomas won’t have a productive game, but some of the passing game will have to progress to getting the ball to Nick Vannett and Ezekiel Elliot for the Buckeyes to beat VaTech throwing the ball.

There has to be a threat for Zeke to have the type of game he had in his final three of last season. We don’t have any idea of the true progress the wide receivers have made in four weeks, but we know that execution will come. I do not believe for one second that the game will be decided by the lack of experience at the position.

This game has the chance of growing those WR’s up pretty dang fast.


There has been little ugly to talk about as of late even though most people are concerned with the gaping hole that the suspensions have left on the team. You have to believe the staff has the back-ups prepared and do a bang-up Silver Bullet job. Other than that from the fall camp and how those talented kids will do, we have sat back and listened to various national media gush over the Buckeyes.

That has been a pleasant surprise, but honestly, they have to. The Buckeyes are the defending National Champions and if they continue to ignore Buckeyes then their ratings will suffer! That leads me to the true ugly of the pre-season. What in the heck are former TTUN players smoking?

I don’t need to mention any names but none of them have picked the Buckeyes to repeat. Wait . . , is that suppose to be surprising? In a day and time where a former Buckeye sticks to his guns of professionalism(Kirk Herbstreit) and minds his fandom P’s and Q’s, the rest have gone out of their way to do the opposite. That being said, I don’t believe either of those commentators have it in them to be honest about that situation because they really want to see the Buckeyes fail and they need the clicks.

They aren’t doing anything differnt than Mark May but we did see where that got him at the end of last season didn’t we?

Weekly Funny

From our friends to the East, nice to remember past players for the Mountaineers.

The post Rumblin’ Stumblin’ Bumblin': Ohio State vs. Virginia Tech appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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