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MotS&G Reports Cardale Jones Rushed to ER


Shannon via our friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray

There are reports flying around that allegedly started from Jones family on Facebook that the Buckeye QB has been rushed to the hospital.

Cardale Jones rushed to hospital with severe head pain.Family member tells me Cardale still undergoing tests. More on Sports Extra

— Tony Zarrella (@TonyZ19) September 3, 2015

Reports are coming in that hopefully this is just a bad migraine. Will update when more information becomes available. We here at MotSaG are hoping everything we are hearing that it is just a bad migraine are true and the young man will be back in good spirits soon.

Update: 11:20pm here is the latest from Tony Zarrella and Cleveland 19 News

Update: 11:40pm here are some of the latest tweets giving us all more information and allowing Buckeye nation to breathe easier

Cardale Jones' mother tells me it is "just a headache." Still in ER getting checked out. Should be fine.

— Dave Briggs (@DBriggsBlade) September 3, 2015

Cardale Jones' mother, Florence: "He's good."

— Dave Briggs (@DBriggsBlade) September 3, 2015


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