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Queen Honors iPod Designer


I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

Queen Honors iPod Designer
Techtree News Staff Email Print
Jan 2, 2006

Jonathan Ive, the chief designer of the very popular Apple iPod, has been awarded the title of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) by the Queen.

Ive is the man behind the company's popular products, like the iMac and the iPod. The iMac, his first design for Apple, was hugely successful and since its launch in 1998, Ive has driven the design of almost every Apple product, including the original iMac, iBook, Power Mac, PowerBook, Mac Mini and iPod.

The iPod boosted Apple's sales tremendously with the company reporting in September 2005, its best financial quarter for nine years. The sales of iPods were up by 500 percent over the previous year 2004.

London-born Ive studied art and design at Newcastle Polytechnic before setting up his own design house, Tangerine, where he designed various products from hair combs to televisions. Apple was one of his clients, and in 1992 they offered him a job at their Cupertino headquarters.

The rank of CBE is the third most senior rank among the five British classes of chivalry. It was created in 1917 by King George V to honor noncombatants at the height of World War I. Only the first two orders qualify for knighthood.
Alas, I still don't own one...

get with the program already... you're not cool unless you have one :)

I mostly use mine so we don't have to carry a ton of CD's around with us in the car. I have my music, some for my wife and then all the CD's for the kids. Nothing like playing random songs on the iPod and having The Wheels on the Bus come on after AC/DC :lol:
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get with the program already... you're not cool unless you have one :)

I mostly use mine so we don't have to carry a ton of CD's around with us in the car. I have my music, some for my wife and then all the CD's for the kids. Nothing like playing random songs on the iPod and having The Wheels on the Bus come on after AC/DC :lol:

And the deal is that I already have an mp3/cd player in my car so I have about 10 cd's in my car with 60-100 songs on each. I also have my home computer wired through my receiver with about 8000 songs and about 500 on my laptop at work. I just don't see an advantage for me to get an ipod.
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