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MotS&G Playmaker Stock Report- Week 3

Ryan Black

Playmaker Stock Report- Week 3
Ryan Black
via our good friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here

By: Ryan Black


Hey there, I’m Mark Etcrash here with your weekly Playmaker Stock Report-

With so many weapons on offense and so few balls to share, it’s important to keep track of who will be getting the rock each week and what they will do with it for the 2015 OSU squad. We’re now 16% of the way through the season and trends are beginning to form.

To convert these trends into mathematics, the Playmaker Percentage Points were created.

To determine the Playmaker Percentage Points (PPP), top scientists created a very complex math formula with 0% being the lowest score and 100% being the highest. You can view it here:

x1(carries+catches)x2playmaker(cosθ2+total snaps) x r1r2[cos(θ1−fumbles)+stylegrade(θ1−θ2)]+ touchdowns= PPP%

Beautiful work…

After facing a bear week 1, it was looking like a bull market this season for the Bucks, as everybody looked like a buy. Demand seems to have peaked, however, after the Buckeye offense had an average day against an average Hawaii squad last Saturday.

Here is the weekly Playmaker Stock Report by position group:


Cardale Jones: 80% -10%

Cardale drops down from 90% to 80% after a week full of dropped snaps and bad timing. The unusual Hawaii defense, poor snaps and short week should make this one of his few dips of the season.

JT Barrett: 80% -10%

Inaccurate passing and a cautious running gameplan hurt Barrett’s stock for the first time in a long time.

Running Backs-

Ezekiel Elliott: 95% → No change

In one of his lowest ypc games of his career, Zeke was still the best player on the Buckeye offense and should get the ball more than any other position player.

Brionte Dunn: 65% +10%

After a rough first game, Brionte bounced back with some solid runs and a touchdown. Freshmen Mike Weber should be pushing him for playing time soon.


Braxton Miller: 80% → No change

Miller had a huge climb week 1 but leveled out a little bit in week 2. He’s still learning the position but 7 yards per carry and some great blocking would be a plus every week.

Curtis Samuel: 80% +10%

A position change had a lot of people nervous for CS’s stock this season. He’s trending upwards as the most targeted receiver so far.

Wide Receivers-

Michael Thomas: 85% → No change

Even when he is not making catches, good things happen when you toss it #3’s way. Thomas is usually burning his man or getting interfered with so most investors would like to see some more targets to him downfield.

Jailin Marshal: 75% +5%

The suspension dropped Marshall’s stock in the off season and he’s going to have to slowly work his way back into the offense. Saturday was a good start as he averaged around 14 yards per reception and 15 yards a punt return.

Parris Cambpell : 20% → No change

There’s a lot of potential for a low price here. Every press conference it seems Urban Meyer is raving about PC. It’s time for him to start making plays.

Ohio State faces the NIU Huskies this week…


Yes, I am selfishly posting a picture of my own husky. Even though Jaxson will be rooting against the good guys, it should be a bounce back week for the Buckeye playmakers.

NIU (2-0) has averaged over 10+ wins the last 5 years but their defense has struggled so far in 2015.

Look for some newcomers on next weeks report in Torrance Gibson, Mike Weber and KJ Hill.


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