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Plastic magnets invented by...


The satanic soulless freight train that is Ohio St
Staff member
Tech Admin
  • none other than The Ohio State University. I'm watching a History Channel "Modern Marvels" episode which is about magnets and how they're being developed for new uses (maglev, superconductors, computer memory, etc.). tOSU researchers developed a type of plastic magnet which has its amount of magnetism increased by blue light and decreased by green light. Who else could create a magnet made out of one of the most non-magnetic materials on the planet?
    Credit teflon and about a million other things to Ohio State researchers. One of my organic chemistry professors (who bleeds scarlet and grey to the highest level possible) made it a point to link every one of his lectures to an Ohio State discovery...it was crazy.
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    Credit teflon and about a million other things to Ohio State researchers. One of my organic chemistry professors (who bleeds scarlet and grey to the highest level possible) made it a point to link every one of his lectures to an Ohio State discovery...it was crazy.

    Plunkett was an Ohio State Alumnus, (Ph.D. program, graduated 1936).
    His discovery (accidental) of Teflon arose 2-years later after he took on employment at DuPont de Nemours NJ labs in Deepwater.

    Wish it was truly an Ohio State discovery (like the magnets), the licensing fees for OSURF would have been huge! (Think Battelle and the Xerographic process).

    Which OC prof was it that pumped the S&G? Paquette?
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    His discovery (accidental) of Teflon arose 2-years later after he took on employment at DuPont de Nemours NJ labs in Deepwater.

    Wish it was truly an Ohio State discovery (like the magnets), the licensing fees for OSURF would have been huge! (Think Battelle and the Xerographic process).
    Well given the current litigious climate and anecdotal studies that link teflon to cancer, respiratory and digestive diseases, environmental pollution, yada yada yada ... I'd rather DuPont deal with the aftermath.
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