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Penn State's 4 keys for Ohio State: Slowing down the Buckeyes, bold thinking ... - PennLive.com
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Penn State's 4 keys for Ohio State: Slowing down the Buckeyes, bold thinking ...
Keep the Buckeyes' defensive ends away from Christian Hackenberg. Joey Bosa is a star. He ended last year's game with a sack of Hackenberg. But Ohio State also has an effective pass rusher on the other side of the defensive line. Tyquan Lewis leads the ...
Penn State football: Nittany Lions sticking to routine for No. 1 Ohio State ...UPI.com
Penn State-Ohio State matchup: Key players, positions for Lions, BuckeyesPennLive.com
Penn State Nittany Lions vs. Ohio State Buckeyes Betting Odds, Football PickBleacher Report
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