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Google Penn State-Ohio State game from 1994 brought up with Buckeyes set to wear ... - PennLive.com

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Penn State-Ohio State game from 1994 brought up with Buckeyes set to wear ... - PennLive.com
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Penn State-Ohio State game from 1994 brought up with Buckeyes set to wear ...
Penn State's 63-14 drubbing of Ohio State in 1994 at Beaver Stadium was referenced two years ago since the Buckeyes blew out Bill O'Brien's Lions by the same score in 2013 in Columbus. This year, that game is being mentioned again, but for a completely ...
Penn State Nittany Lions vs. Ohio State Buckeyes PreviewVictory Bell Rings
Buckeye Rewind: OSU defense needs its mojo backMansfield News Journal
Ohio State football | Offense improves, defense regressesColumbus Dispatch

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