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LGHL Ohio State's brief and dominant history against Maryland

Jeanna Thomas

Ohio State's brief and dominant history against Maryland
Jeanna Thomas
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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The Buckeyes have only played Maryland once in program history, and it was a dominant victory.

The University of Maryland Terrapins are Big Ten newcomers, having joined the conference in 2014. As such, the Terrapins and the Buckeyes have only met on the gridiron once in program history. On October 5, 2014, Ohio State -- then ranked 20th in the nation with a 4-1 record -- dominated Maryland in every phase of the game.

The Buckeyes hadn't exactly inspired national confidence at that point in the season, having won a relatively close one over Navy in the first week of the season, and then suffering a loss to Virginia Tech in week two. They came into the game against Maryland, the first conference matchup for the Buckeyes in the 2014 season, wanting to make an impression. They certainly did.

The Terrapins never had much of a chance in this game. The Buckeyes struck first, with Rod Smith scoring a rushing touchdown about three minutes into the game, and Ohio State never took their foot off the gas. It was 14-3 at the end of the first quarter, and 31-10 going into the half.

A 30-yard touchdown pass from J.T. Barrett to Devin Smith extended Ohio State's lead to 38-10 in the third. Maryland added a third quarter touchdown, narrowing the gap to three scores, but Barrett negated that just six seconds into the final quarter with a nine-yard rushing touchdown. Maryland did add another score, but Ohio State's lead was too much for them to overcome. A pick-six by linebacker Raekwon McMillan was the final straw for the struggling Terrapins. The final score was 52-24.

Maryland wasn't ranked, but the win was impressive enough to help Ohio State move up significantly in the rankings. The Buckeyes came in the following week at number 13 in the nation.

The Buckeyes could use a dominant victory against Maryland this week, so here's hoping history repeats itself in 2015.

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