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LGHL Ohio State vs. Maryland 2015: GameThread

Patrick Martyn

Ohio State vs. Maryland 2015: GameThread
Patrick Martyn
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Ohio State remains on top despite another shaky performance. Can they turn things around for Homecoming?

Last week, the Buckeyes did not look great against the Hoosiers. At halftime, they were losing. In the end, they won by only seven. Cardale Jones threw for only 1 TD and also threw an INT. Barrett never saw the field. Of the team's 272 rushing yards, 274 of them came from Ezekiel Elliott, with the rest of the team managing a net -2 yards. For fans hoping to see Ohio State return to the College Football Playoff, it wasn't a good omen.

The Buckeyes won't be the most troubled team on the field today, though. Maryland is coming off of two straight losses, including last week's shutout by Michigan. In fact, in their last two games, the Terrapins have been outscored 73-6. Add in the fact that they're expected to be starting a head coach search later today, and that 30+ point spread starts making more sense.

Could this be the game Ohio State needs to finally get back into the rhythm we saw last year? The Buckeyes need to start performing like champions if they want to impress the College Football Playoff Selection Committee.

Join us in the comments below for the Ohio State-Maryland 2015 GameThread. We want to hear all your hot takes. Just remember to keep things civil and respectful; we're all here to enjoy the game. Go Bucks!

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