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tBBC Ohio State Swamps Maryland, 49-28


Ohio State Swamps Maryland, 49-28
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


It was a beautiful day for a Homecoming celebration when Urban Meyer’s Ohio State Buckeyes (5-0, 1-0) hosted Randy Edsall’s (for now) Maryland Terrapins (2-3, 0-1). It turned out, despite a slow start, to be a Happy Homecoming for the Buckeyes & their fans since Ohio State won, 49-28

This will be a brief, knee-jerk reaction to the game. I’ll have something a bit more in depth in a couple days. This was a strange game: Ohio State had over 300 yards passing, and was significantly out-rushed (253-182) by Maryland. The Terps had averaged 162 YPG rushing, but didn’t have much of an issue against the Buckeyes.

Just a few bullet points, before I wander off to enjoy a beautiful autumn afternoon in western NY..

  • This game had a familiar ring to it; fall behind early to an inferior opponent, then at some point give up long runs to their quarterback.
  • Despite getting scorched on the ground, the OSU defense was not bad. They gave up 75 of those yards on one play, and otherwise contained the Terrapin running game to a longest run of no more than 10 yards.
  • Well, except for the 28 points they gave up. But, it really wasn’t that bad… hear me out. Maryland’s last score came with less than a minute to play and the game well in hand.
  • Curtis Samuel must have done something to piss off Urban, After barely making the box score last week, Curtis had 1 rushing play (1 yard) and no receptions.
  • The Buckeyes cleaned up their mental game significantly. They were flagged for 6 penalties (45 yards), which is a big improvement. They also had no turnovers! Urban mentioned that “turnovers” would be addressed in practice. Indeed they were.
  • At least for this week, Ohio State’s Red Zone Anemia was cured. The Buckeyes were in the Red Zone 6 times and scored 6 TD’s. This was another area of concern that Urban felt needed addressed. Do you see a trend?
  • In an interesting development, JT Barrett had 12 carries, 62 yards and 3 TD’s. He was 2-2 passing for 26 yards.

The Buckeyes are now perfect (6-0, 2-0) on the season, while the Terrapins (2-4, 0-2) added to their misery. Next up for Ohio State are the Penn State Nittany Lions (5-1, 2-0) who were 29-7 winners over Indiana. The game is at The Shoe, with kickoff scheduled for 8:00 pm. It’s the usual drill with television coverage; it will be seen on some combination of ABC, ESPN, ESPN2. Be sure to check local listings.

The post Ohio State Swamps Maryland, 49-28 appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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