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LGHL Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Top underclassmen check out Buckeyes

Charles Doss

Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Top underclassmen check out Buckeyes
Charles Doss
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Ohio State played host to a few solid prospects over the weekend.

The Buckeyes are always looking towards the future. On Saturday, possibly the top sophomore offensive lineman in the state of Ohio checked out what Ohio State has to offer up close and personal.

Making the trip to Columbus from Portsmouth, class of 2018 prospect Blaine Scott was one of the recruits to take in the Buckeyes' less-than-stellar victory over the feisty Northern Illinois Huskies.

"My OSU game visit was awesome," the 6'5, 300-pounder told Land-Grant Holy Land. "It was my first one so it was pretty amazing. The atmosphere was unreal. Overall it was a great. I had a blast," added Scott.

Not only did Scott have the chance to watch the top ranked Buckeyes in action, he also chatted with Buckeye assistant coach Ed Warinner.

"I got the opportunity to talk to coach Warinner for a few minutes. He just spoke to me about how myself and my season was going," Scott said.

Still more than two years away from suiting up on the college level, Scott currently holds scholarship offers from the likes of Ohio, Kent State, and Toledo. If Ohio State decides to join his growing list of offers it would give Blaine the chance to once again line up with his former Sciotoville High School teammate and current 2016 Buckeye pledge Tyler Gerald.

"A Buckeye offer would mean everything to me. All the work and time I have put in would finally pay off. Growing up in Ohio as a Buckeye fan that would be awesome. I would love to suit up with Gerald again. He's a very close buddy of mine and I would love the chance to play with him."

Great time at The Ohio State University today! #GoBucks

— Blaine Scott (@blaine_scott54) September 19, 2015
Hoop prospects invade Columbus

Per reports, a small army of 2018 basketball prospects were also on hand for the Buckeyes' football game on Saturday. Below is a little breakdown of some of the recruits who joined current OSU pledge Dane Goodwin of Upper Arlington on campus over the weekend:

Dwayne Cohill

School: Cleveland Holy Name

Position: Shooting Guard

Size: 6'2, 170

Offers: Penn State, West Virginia, Youngstown State

Jerome Hunter

School: Pickerington North

Position: Small Forward

Size: 6'7

Interest: Ohio State, Xavier, Bowling Green, etc

Courtney Ramey

School: Webster Groves (MO)

Position: Point Guard

Size: 6'0, 170

Offers: Illinois, Kansas State, Missouri, St. Louis, Jacksonville State

Torrence Watson

School: Whitfield School (MO)

Position: Shooting Guard

Size: 6'3, 175

Offers: Missouri, Kansas State, St. Louis, Jacksonville State

Foster Loyer

School: Clarkston (MI)

Position: Point Guard

Size: 6'0, 160

Interest: Ohio State, Butler, Michigan State, Northwestern, etc

Quick Hits

  • On Friday, Ohio State class of 2016 pledge Malik Barrow of IMG Academy (FL) signed his midyear financial aid agreement with the Buckeyes. Barrow, a four-star defensive lineman who is out for the rest of the season with a knee injury, is the fourth future Buckeye to do so, joining Tuf Borland, Austin Mack, and Jonathon Cooper.
  • Plenty of future Buckeyes shined over the weekend, but only one can walk away as the MVP. Which Ohio State commit did enough to grab your vote? The poll is open. Let your voice be heard.

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