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LGHL Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Spartans pushing for George Hill, Bryce Youngquist...

Austin Kemp

Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Spartans pushing for George Hill, Bryce Youngquist update
Austin Kemp
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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There wasn't much excitement on the recruiting trail yesterday as the Buckeyes prepare for Northern Illinois.

With a more normal week on tap for Ohio State this week, bigger and better strides can be made on the recruiting trail. Last week it was tough balancing a short week and recruiting efforts with game preparation, but with last week in the rearview mirror, the Ohio State coaching staff is back at a full-go.

Youngquist counting OSU out...for now

The Buckeyes sent out an offer to four-star outside linebacker Bryce Youngquist on Monday. Youngquist, a class of 2016 Oklahoma commit, holds 12 offers and has been committed to the Sooners since July. Originally, reports signaled that Youngquist would be interested in visiting Columbus, but yesterday said that he has no plans on wavering from his OU commitment. Still, you can never say never in the game of recruiting and it's not likely that Ohio State will give up on him right away. Sure, the Sooners are a big favorite, but the Buckeyes will still try and push for a visit from one of California's top linebackers.

Four-star LB Bryce Youngquist sticking with #Oklahoma #Sooners despite #OhioState offer http://t.co/cgJalh8dbk pic.twitter.com/fliferuw7F

— Adam Gorney (@adamgorney) September 15, 2015

Spartans still pushing for Hill

Though it's not necessarily breaking news, Michigan State continues to be a huge player in George Hill's recruitment. Hill, who gave his verbal to Ohio State over a year ago, has always spoken highly of the Spartans and nothing has changed. As you remember, his teammate LJ Scott signed with Michigan State last February and is currently racking up multiple carries during his freshman year. HIll stated that Scott is one of the main people urging him to flip. This recruitment is far from over and this one is definitely trending away from Ohio State as of late. Hill was in East Lansing last weekend for their win against Oregon. Hill can line up and succeed at both running back or free safety. Though Ohio State is loaded with talent, it always hurts to lose top in-state prospects if that does turn out to be the case.

#OhioState commit George Hill says #MSU coaches & LJ Scott are pushing him hard to flip: http://t.co/J8i6kEIB5e from @BillBankGreene

— Allen Trieu (@AllenTrieu) September 15, 2015

With Ohio State being at home over the next couple weeks, there will be big opportunities to bring some more prospects in for visits. This year's class is almost already wrapped up and because of that, Urban Meyer can cast a wide net over the next several months and see who bites. Every year there are new names that pop up out of the blue. Expect more of the same this season.

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