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LGHL Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Matt Bockhorst to visit, Devin Duvernay to decide Friday

Bret Favachio

Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Matt Bockhorst to visit, Devin Duvernay to decide Friday
Bret Favachio
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


This weekend's visitor list continues to grow. Plus, a top WR who officially visited Ohio State is ready to decide.

Bockhorst to make weekend visit

On Saturday, the Buckeyes' biggest test of the season comes when they play host to the Spartans of Michigan State. They'll also be hosting plenty of the nation's top high school football players during the enormous recruiting weekend, and the list just got a little bit bigger. According to Bill Kurelic of 247Sports, '17 OG Matt Bockhorst, a four-star prospect from St. Xavier (OH), will also be in Columbus to make a visit to the campus.

Bockhorst, who has already received offers from Clemson, Michigan State, Penn State, and more, has yet to add an Ohio State offer to his name. However, it will be interesting to see if that changes this weekend during or after the trip. Bockhorst, a Cincinnati native, is currently graded as the 7th-best offensive guard in the class and is 14th on the list of Ohio's top prospects in 2017.

Duvernay ready to decide

When it comes to Ohio State's 2016 recruiting class, they are still searching for pieces to fill voids at certain positions, and one of them is undoubtedlywiide receiver. The Buckeyes are still looking for someone to pair up with the immensely talented Austin Mack of Bishop Luers (IN). Could that guy be '16 WR Devin Duvernay?

Duvernay will be making his collegiate pledge tomorrow, according to Colt Barber of 247Sports. The schools that the 5'11, 195-pound pass-catcher will choose from include Alabama, Baylor, Ohio State, and Oklahoma. Duvernay did make an official visit to Columbus during the weekend of the Buckeyes' 38-12 victory over Western Michigan. However, I don't feel that Ohio State is going to be the choice here. My money would be on the Bears of Baylor, where his brother -- '16 WR Donovan Duvernay -- is currently committed.

Monk to UK: Good news for Buckeyes?

The Kentucky Wildcats were able to add yet another top prospect to their hoops program on Wednesday. This time it was '16 G Malik Monk of Bentonville (AR) who gave his pledge to John Calipari. Monk, just like seemingly every UK commit nowadays, is a five-star guard and a top ten prospect in the entire country. How does this relate to Ohio State?

Of course it is a positive sign for the Buckeyes in regards to their pursuit of '16 G Kobi Simmons, who we seem to discuss just about every week. The recruitment of the St. Francis (GA) star seems to take new turns very frequently. With the Wildcats currently holding commitments from two guards, it seems unlikely, but not impossible that Simmons would join them. Whether it's the Scarlet and Gray, or anyone for that matter, who will be the beneficiary of the news is to be determined and we won't get that answer until the spring.

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