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LGHL Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - CJ Cotman gets OSU offer, Malik Barrow to enroll early

Bret Favachio

Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - CJ Cotman gets OSU offer, Malik Barrow to enroll early
Bret Favachio
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


A 4-star Florida prospect grabs an Ohio State offer, plus Malik Barrow will be a Buckeye sooner rather than later.

Cotman snags Buckeye offer

On Wednesday, Ohio State extended a scholarship offer to '17 APB CJ Cotman from Clearwater Central Catholic (FL). The 5'10, 165-pounder had already nabbed offers from Cincinnati, Florida State, Kentucky, Louisville, Miami (FL), and more prior to yesterday. Surely, the rising Floridian will continue to add numerous opportunities before he must make his collegiate decision.

I was able to briefly catch up with four-star prospect, who told me he was "shocked and very happy" when he received the news about getting the offer from the Scarlet and Gray. Cotman told me that he had a phone conversation with first year Buckeye running backs coach Tony Alford Tuesday night, who broke the news to him. When I asked the Marauders' standout player if he was planning to visit the Buckeye campus because of the offer, he told me that "only time will tell." We'll see if the coaching staff can get Cotman in Columbus for a visit in the future.

Barrow headed to Columbus early

According to Ryan Donnelly of BuckeyeGrove.com, '16 DT Malik Barrow, an Ohio State commit from IMG Academy (FL), will be enrolling early. Donnelly had the opportunity to talk with the 6'3, 270-pounder about his decision. You can read the piece (linked above, a great read) in its entirety.

"I've pretty much reached my high school academic requirements and had the opportunity to graduate early from IMG Academy," Barrow said. "Then, I was recently offered an opportunity to come in and enroll early at Ohio State. After talking it over with my coaches and parents, there was really no reason to stay at IMG when I can now get up to Ohio State."

This is definitely good news for both Barrow and the Buckeye coaching staff. To be able to get a four-star defensive tackle on campus and enrolled as soon as possible means he can get acclimated to the collegiate game and learn the playbook relatively quickly. This could be the first step to get Barrow in defensive line coach Larry Johnson's rotation sooner rather than later.

Anderson wants OSU offer

When it comes to pass catchers in the 2016 recruiting class, the Buckeyes only have a pledge from one -- '16 WR Austin Mack. While Mack is a great prospect and has the potential to be special in Columbus, the hope has always been to add another receiver to "Zone 6." For now, the main names that pop up are guys like Sam Bruce (Miami commit), Donnie Corley, Nate Craig-Myers, and Binjimen Victor. However, one of the nation's best receivers wants to be included in that group.

An interesting tweet was sent out by '16 WR and LSU commit Dee Anderson, a teammate of '16 QB commit Tristen Wallace at Desoto (TX). The tweet, which is shown below, is the Tigers pledge telling Wallace that he could possibly be making a visit to the Buckeyes, but only under one circumstance.

@Official_Wall5 tell Ohio state to offer so I can take that official

— Oct 6th♎️ (@DeeAnderson21) September 9, 2015

We'll see if the Buckeyes jump into the picture with Anderson, and if so, could Urban Meyer can flip the four-star prospect from LSU coach Les Miles? Not that a reminder is needed, but it is something that Meyer is notorious for.

Gardner to officially visit?

Despite being committed to Florida at the moment, '16 CB Chauncey Gardner isn't completely shutting things down. The 6'0, 194-pounder took to Twitter to say that he would be making some official visits. Among the teams under consideration for a possible official would be Alabama, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Notre Dame, and Ohio State.

Obviously, prospects can only take a maximum of five official visits, so at least one of these schools ultimately won't wind up getting an official with the four-star defensive back. The good news for the Buckeyes is that Gardner is teammates with '17 ATH Bruce Judson, an Ohio State commit, so we'll see if that helps Ohio State's chances.

Hoops staff sees 2016 prospect

Despite having two commits in the 2016 hoops class and seemingly having zero spots remaining, Ohio State is still keeping their eyes on '16 PG Tyson Carter of Starkville (MS). According to Corey Evans of HoopSeen.com, Ohio State (and Memphis) stopped by to see the four-star guard on Wednesday.

In my personal opinion, Ohio State is still recruiting to the 2016 hoops class for a reason. We'll see what the case may be eventually, but I think with Kobi Simmons and Carter still being pursued, something must be going on. Whether it be Micah Potter reclassifying to the 2017 class or just looking for fall back options, we'll have to wait and see.

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