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LGHL Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Buckeyes make cut for 5-star prospect Isaiah Wilson

Charles Doss

Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets - Buckeyes make cut for 5-star prospect Isaiah Wilson
Charles Doss
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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One of the top junior linemen in the country is considering OSU.

When you're ranked among the best college football programs in the country year-in-and-year-out, standout high school prospects take notice. With one of the top 2017 recruiting classes under their belt already, Ohio State received news over the weekend that another elite junior is considering playing his college ball in Columbus.

On Friday morning five-star offensive lineman Isaiah Wilson of Poly Prep in Brooklyn, New York announced via his Twitter page that he is currently favoring eight programs. The 6'7, 320-pound Wilson, who has received scholarship offers from schools across the country, named Michigan, Alabama, Ohio State, Florida, Georgia, Clemson, LSU, and Rutgers as his leaders at the moment.

Fellow junior offensive linemen Josh Myers and Jake Moretti have already dished out verbal pledges to the Buckeyes. While the OSU coaches love to stockpile talent up front, all signs currently point to Wilson heading elsewhere, although with well over a year left until he signs on a dotted line with a college there is plenty of time for a shakeup.

Wilson doesn't just have the attention of college coaches, but also analysts around the recruiting scene. According to the 247Sports Composite Rankings he is currently pegged as the fifth offensive tackle, and 21st-overall player in the class of 2017.

Temple commit hearing from OSU

The Buckeyes are looking to finish the class of 2016 strong before February. Expanding their search out a bit, the staff has started looking at other programs' commitment lists for under-the-radar gems. One prospect who has recently been hearing from OSU is current Temple commit Jahsen Wint.

"I hear from Coach (Chris) Ash almost all the time along with Coach Mark Pantoni. They say they are close to offering but they want to come up and see me one more time. They want me to play safety because of my hard hitting and covering ability," the 5'11, 185-pound Wint told Land-Grant Holy Land.

Committed to Temple since the summer, the three-star prospect isn't positive if he'd flip his pledge to Ohio State on the spot if the Buckeye coaches offered, but at the same time knows having the opportunity to suit up for a national champion contender is nothing to take lightly.

"I'm not real sure. It would mean a lot because it would show that I'm underrated by many and I like it that way. (When I think of OSU) the first thing that comes to mind is winning. I want to be a part of a winning program who works hard and earns what they get," he said.

A Brooklyn, New York native, Wint plays on the high school level for Erasmus Hall, the same program that produced current Ohio State speedster Curtis Samuel. If things work out Jahsen would love to possibly once again have the chance to line up with his former teammate.

"It would mean a lot because I would have someone who I know there to be mentor to me," he added.

Want to see Wint in action? Check out some of his high school highlights, courtesy of Hudl:

Quick Hits

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