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LGHL Ohio State opens as 13-point favorites over Michigan State

Luke Zimmermann

Ohio State opens as 13-point favorites over Michigan State
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


That's a lot!

In case you were anxious about this coming weekend, have I got some good (or bad, if you're cripplingly superstitious I suppose) news for you.

Oddsmakers in Vegas have pegged Ohio State as a whole 13-point opening favorites against former Buckeye defensive coordinator Mark Dantonio and the Michigan State Spartans.

Though we're still waiting on an update to this week's advanced metrics, as recently as this past weekend, the Buckeyes were projected to have a 78% chance to beat Michigan State by S&P+.

One touchdown or two, anyone who's seen the last couple years' meetings between the two teams know nothing will come easy. Michigan State hasn't exactly been world beaters this season, but in fairness, neither have the Bucks.

If J.T. Barrett, the Ohio State o-line, and the Buckeyes' offense can put together some of the same kind of consistency as their defensive counterparts, OSU should have every ability to live up to those lofty odds. If not ... Well, hold on to your butts.

For more odds, visit our partners, OddsShark.

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