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tBBC Ohio State MBB Gets Thad Matta His 300th Career Win


Ohio State MBB Gets Thad Matta His 300th Career Win
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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Head Coach Thad Matta has a chance to gain his 300 win for his career today.

Starters for the game: Ohio State – Jaquan Lyle, Keita Bates-Diop, Jae’Sean Tate, Marc Loving and Trevor Thompson; Mount St. Marys – Junior Robinson, BK Ashe, Will Miller, Gregory Graves and Taylor Danaher.

Jaquan Lyle gets his first points as a Buckeye hitting his first shot for a three. Daniel Giddens comes in early for Trevor Thompson after a travel and hits a basket early for his first two as a Buckeye. Lyle and Loving both have 5 a piece at the under 16 timeout and the Buckeyes are up 12 -4.

The Buckeyes have 7 field goals out of 10 and 5 turnovers early in the first half. They mix up the roster as Kam Williams and A.J. Harris come in early and eight Buckeyes see playing time by the under 12 timeout with the Buckeyes are up 16-9.

The Buckeyes stay busy around the basket and Bates-Diop gives flashes of what is to come from him as well, the Buckeyes have scored 18 of their 24 from the paint as an ally oop from Tate to Giddens causes Mt. St. Marys to call a timeout 24-13 Buckeyes 8:19 in the first.

Lyle showing the reasons behind the excitement for him this season. Giddens has given some insight to his level of talent around the rim in the first half as well. Austin Grandstaff gets his first playing time as a Buckeye.

17-0 run by the a Buckeyes after the under eight timeout all but puts the game out of hand in the first half and the Buckeyes go to the under four timeout up 37-15.

The Buckeyes play ten players in the first half against Mt. St. Marys as Jae’Sean Tate and Jaquan Lyle lead in scoring with 14 and 11 respectively. Loving with 7, Giddens with 6 and Bates-Diop with 4 to round out the scoring.
Buckeyes lead at the half 42-21

Thompson gets his third foul quickly to start the second half and see the bench and a sloppy first minutes sees the Mountaineers gain some momentum with the help of B.K. Ashe. Buckeyes go to the under sixteen up 52-30 and Tate has 19 already.

The Buckeyes keep the lead around twenty during the next stretch but the Mountaineers keep battling and start hitting some big shots, go on a 12-2 run and get the lead down to 14 with the score of 54-40 with 10:36 left.

After a timeout by head coach Thad Matta, the young Buckeyes settle down and get things under control and spread the wealth that’s highlighted by a block from Bates-Diop headed into the under eight and up 62-43.

Mt. St. Marys press gives young Buckeyes fits again and Thad Matta has to call another timeout after a Mountaineer run makes it 64-49 with 5:19 left.

A turnover by Loving coming out if the timeout and a lay-up by Mountaineers cuts it to 13 with 4:42 left and the Buckeyes go a long stretch without a FG until Loving hits a three from the corner.

The Buckeyes only have seven players score but five of them hit double figures. Jae’Sean Tate led all scorers with 21, Lyle with 12, Giddens with 11 and Bates-Diop with 10.
Field Goals. 28-56, 50.0%
Free Throws. 14-17, 82.4%
3-Pointers. 6-15, 40.0%
Off. Rebounds. 13
Def. Rebounds. 37
Total Rebounds. 50

Buckeyes win season opener at home 76-54

The post Ohio State MBB Gets Thad Matta His 300th Career Win appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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Ohio State opened its season with a 76-54 win over Mount St. Mary, which gave Thad Matta his 300th win as coach of Ohio State.

To commemorate the occasion, Ohio State Associate Athletics Director for Communications gave Thad Matta a post-game cookie to enjoy.

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...celebrates-300th-ohio-state-win-with-a-cookie
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