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BTN Ohio State LB Perry on his brother: ‘He’s taught me to go and get it’

BTN.com staff

Ohio State LB Perry on his brother: ‘He’s taught me to go and get it’
BTN.com staff via Big Ten Network

On Thursday’s “Big Ten & Beyond” show, we profiled the special relationship between Ohio State linebacker Joshua Perry and his brother Jahred, who is on the autism spectrum. Learn about the Perry family and how both Joshua and Jahred have helped each other throughout their lives. Undefeated Ohio State takes on Michigan State this Saturday in Columbus. [ MORE: Week 12 previews | Big Ten scoreboard | Polls: Pick Week 12 winners | Big Ten standings | Big Ten stats | Latest polls | Power Rankings | Bowl Projections | Mailbag | Q&A: Jason Cabinda | Highlights on YouTube ] Watch more

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