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LGHL Ohio State football history: 1961 Bucks steamroll That Team Up North, 50-20

Jeanna Thomas

Ohio State football history: 1961 Bucks steamroll That Team Up North, 50-20
Jeanna Thomas
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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Who doesn't love reminiscing about dominant victories over That Team Up North?

Many Buckeyes fans' fondest memories of Ohio State football come from wins over That Team Up North. It doesn't matter whether it's a narrow victory or a dominant one. Beating that team is a joy regardless.

That said, the dominant victories are particularly fun, and the 1961 Buckeyes certainly gave Buckeyes fans a memorable win over That Team Up North.

Woody Hayes had set the stage for the Buckeyes' run in 1961 two years earlier, when he guaranteed a championship in two years during a boosters' luncheon. "If I don't bring you a championship then, this is no place for Woody Hayes," Hayes said. The 1961 Buckeyes did not disappoint, finishing the season 8-0-1, thanks to a week one tie with Texas Christian University. Ohio State ran the table for the rest of the season, outscoring their opponents 164-56 in the weeks leading up to their matchup with their biggest rivals.

The Buckeyes had a 21-6 lead heading into halftime, but that other team put another six on the board, and the 21-12 score held until the fourth quarter, when Ohio State essentially became unstoppable. Thirty-seven seconds into the fourth quarter, Ohio State's fullback, Robert Ferguson, barreled past that other team's defenders to make the score 28-12. An interception by Buckeyes defensive back Ron Houck and an 80-yard touchdown by Robert Klein extended Ohio State's lead to 35-12.

Ferguson the fullback was responsible for Ohio State's next score, and then That Team Up North answered. Finally, that other team was able to successfully complete a two-point conversion, and they cut Ohio State's lead to 42-20.

Woody Hayes was never a timid coach, nor was he ever particularly concerned about his opponents' feelings. In true Woody fashion, when the Buckeyes got the ball back with just 34 seconds to play, Hayes went for the jugular. The Buckeyes scored again, and then Hayes successfully went for two, making the final score 50-20.

Ohio State outgained that other team offensively with 512 yards -- 312 on the ground and 200 passing yards -- to That Team Up North's 271 total yards. The 50 points Ohio State scored remain the most the Buckeyes have put up on that other team in program history.

Woody Hayes kept his promise, delivering a Big Ten title in 1961. The 1961 Buckeyes were also awarded the National Championship by the Football Writers Association of America.

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