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Google Ohio State beats Illinois: Quick thoughts as the Buckeyes end this 10-game ... - cleveland.com

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Ohio State beats Illinois: Quick thoughts as the Buckeyes end this 10-game ... - cleveland.com
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Ohio State beats Illinois: Quick thoughts as the Buckeyes end this 10-game ...
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Quick thoughts after No. 3 Ohio State's win at Illinois on Saturday moved the Buckeyes to 10-0. • What a 10-game stretch this has been. The Buckeyes didn't face any teams within spitting distance of the current top 25, looked less ...
Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Illinois Fighting Illini: Live stream, live score ...AL.com
Ohio State vs. Illinois: Game Grades, Analysis for the BuckeyesBleacher Report
Sluggish Buckeyes pull away behind defense, Ezekiel ElliottESPN (blog)
SportingNews.com -Columbus Dispatch -Toledo Blade
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