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LGHL Ohio State’s wearing the same uniforms they beat Alabama in for Virginia Tech

Nick Polak

Ohio State’s wearing the same uniforms they beat Alabama in for Virginia Tech
Nick Polak
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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The Buckeyes will be donning their white jerseys in Blacksburg.

The Buckeyes will take the field tonight in the same white uniforms they were wearing when they took down Alabama in the Sugar Bowl last season in the first round of the College Football Playoff. If you remember from last year, these uniforms were announced as an homage to 1968 uniforms in which Ohio State were named consensus National Champions.

Here's what we wrote last year about the look:

And in what might be the best subtle touch to the entire configuration, Ohio State will also have an awesome shirt for their base layer uniforms. The Ohio State athletic department preserved one of Hayes' last "chalk board" sessions and enshrined it. The base layer pattern features a literal print of Woody Hayes' hand written notes for a book he was working on.

What do you think of the Buckeyes' choice of jerseys for tonight?

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