Better idea. Get at least 15 minutes of exercise every day with your heart in the appropriate training range for your age and physical condition. If you don't know what that is, then consult your doctor. If your doctor is a fat-ass, get another doctor. Then ask that doctor.
Poor sleep often is the result of accumulated stress and the toxins that it leaves in your system. You need to detox, and you don't need some drug or wonder pill for that.
Remove all allergens from your diet for two weeks. You'll feel like you are eating grass but remove all red meat and wheat from your diet. Sorry, but alcohol too. Drink at least 8 350ml or higher glasses of water a day.
The idea behind the diet is to flush out the toxins from your system.
Finally, mediate at least five minutes per day. Go to a dark room, close your eyes and focus on a peaceful sentence. A friend uses, "God help those poor bastards who couldn't help but be born in Michigan." Make it fun and relaxing.
Finally, you need one final (for some of you, very short) elevation of your heart rate before bed time. A massage can help but repeated and frequent relations with someone you love are most helpful.
Go to bed every night at the same time and make it clear to your loved one that it is a matter of life and death (well, you're dying for, never mind) that you have regular nightly therapeutic assistance prior to bedtime.