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MotS&G Not So Fast Jimmy!

Bobby Hall

Not So Fast Jimmy!
Bobby Hall
via our good friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here

Oh how sweet it is to to be a Buckeye fan today! After everything that has happened this year from the QB issues to the offensives struggles, finally accumulating into a loss to Michigan State, the only thing that could make a true Buckeye fan feel even a little bit better is a win over TTUN. Boy did the football Gods shine down on us. Not only did we beat TTUN, but we essentially embarrassed them on their own field.

All we have heard all year was how impressive TTUN had become and how Jim Harbaugh has completely turned this program around. It turned out that even Vegas had become believers due to the fact that this game was essentially a “Pick Um”. Well unfortunately for them the Buckeyes blew that theory out of the water. The TTUN defense literally had no clue what to do with our running game. It seemed like our offense had finally hit its stride and every player knew where they were suppose to be at all times. The read option offense was just too much for the Wolverines to handle as JT had over 100 yards on the ground along with Zeke putting up over 200.

I guess the moral to this story is we all should be ashamed of ourselves to actually think there is a coach anywhere in the country (not named Mark Dantonio) that could actually coach on Urbans level. Old Urb embarrassed Jim in every phase of the game, and man it was beautiful to watch! Better luck next year Jimmy.

Now let’s talk a little about what it’s going to take for us to have a chance to get into the College Football Playoff. First of all we should have known better than to trust Penn State to do our dirty work for us, but I did at least expect them to be competitive, but they weren’t…. SO due to those unfortunate circumstances we need a little help from some other teams. The best case scenario is that Florida is able to beat Alabama in the SEC championship game. If that were to happen, Alabama would have 2 loss’s giving the Buckeyes an edge on them to get into the top four. Unfortunately the changes of this happening are very slim. Florida is just not on that level yet, although they are on their way.

The next best chance we have is for North Carolina to beat Clemson in the ACC championship game. This, in my opinion, is our best shot. After what turned out to be a very bad loss at the beginning of the season to South Carolina, North Carolina has been on a roll. Playing very well in every game since and riding high coming into the championship game. The nice thing for them is that few believe they can compete with Clemson, so they can come into the game with a chip on their shoulder. The only possible downfall here is that if NC is able to pull off the upset they will have a legitimate argument to be in over us since they only have 1 loss as well, but we will cross that bridge when we get there!

Finally, the biggest thing that we need is for MSU to beat Iowa in the Big Ten Championship game. That makes our loss to them look that much better! At the end of the day it is all in the hands of the football Gods now so all we can do is sit back and watch!


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