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OK, I am interested in what everyone is thinking and dreaming (only dry ones!)

What invention could be out there (that maybe we're getting close to) that would be huge.

For me (a hopeless Trekker), it's the transporter.

Just think: scramble the atoms, send them somewhere else and assemble them in the blink of an eye. I could live anywhere in the world and transport to the Horseshoe in time for kickoff.

Interesting thread Jimuzik.

Matter-Energy conversion is the key! If you can take energy and convert it into matter, you now have eliminated world hunger and possibility the need for currency. Although we are also "light years" away from this happening, it will one day I'm certain. The human body breaks down food (matter) and converts it into the energy you need to live. Understanding the human body is the key to making this happen and is the key to the future in the 21st century...surpassing the semiconductor era.
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Golferdow01 said:
Interesting thread Jimuzik.

Matter-Energy conversion is the key! If you can take energy and convert it into matter, you now have eliminated world hunger and possibility the need for currency. Although we are also "light years" away from this happening, it will one day I'm certain. The human body breaks down food (matter) and converts it into the energy you need to live. Understanding the human body is the key to making this happen and is the key to the future in the 21st century...surpassing the semiconductor era.
Humans have been turning matter into energy for thousands of years. It's doing it the other way that is more difficult. If I could have one invention from Star Trek it would be the Holodeck. If I had one of those I would never leave it. The next time BMax asks what it's like to have sex with Jessica Alba I'd be able to tell him. :p

One invention that I thought of that is doable right now would be to build a wireless router into a cell phone. Just think you could connect to the Internet on you laptop from anywhere (with no cables) you can use your cell phone. Heck if they priced it right you could probably get rid of other internet connections and just hook your cell phone to your home network.
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One invention that I thought of that is doable right now would be to build a wireless router into a cell phone. Just think you could connect to the Internet on you laptop from anywhere (with no cables) you can use your cell phone. Heck if they priced it right you could probably get rid of other internet connections and just hook your cell phone to your home network.

This is already available in a very primitive form. One guy broadcasted a roadtrip using a Sprint phone to access the Internet:

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I can (and have) used my cell phone as a modem. All it takes is a data cable for your phone, or bluetooth connectivity between phone and computer. With my current phone and plan, I can get near DSL speeds when connecting through my phone. The problem is, it's kinda expensive to use as your primary connection. For most carriers, it runs about $80/month for access. If you use Sprint and are smart about it though, you can do it on the cheap as a backup or emergency connection.
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One invention that I thought of that is doable right now would be to build a wireless router into a cell phone. Just think you could connect to the Internet on you laptop from anywhere (with no cables) you can use your cell phone. Heck if they priced it right you could probably get rid of other internet connections and just hook your cell phone to your home network.
This is already available in a very primitive form. One guy broadcasted a roadtrip using a Sprint phone to access the Internet:

Verizon Wireless does this, though it's a card that goes into the laptop. That's what I use and it's been great to be able to go anywhere. However, when I downloaded a bunch of game torrents they were going to cancel the account for "excessage usage" - so much for unlimited internet, eh? - but I just ration those and it's been fine.

For those of you who overdid the holiday cookouts... saw an invention over at SlickDeals that might be useful. :biggrin:


Under-Ease are underwear for protection against bad human gas (malodorous flatus) and are made from a soft air-tight fabric (polyurethane-coated nylon). To maintain the air-tightness, elastic is sewn into the material around the waist and both legs. A triangular "exit hole" for the flatus to be expelled is cut from the back of the air-tight underwear, near the bottom. This "exit hole" is covered with a "pocket" made of ordinary porous fabric sewn over the "exit hole". This unique design forces all expelled gas (flatus) out through the "pocket".
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