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Turn Netflix “Very long wait” to “Shipping”

Blogger Shawn Morton has posted a method for moving your “Very long wait” Netflix DVDs (generally new releases) to “Shipping” status.
I decided that, if I only had new releases which had “Long wait” or “Very long wait” in my queue, Netflix would have to send me something. Otherwise, I would be paying for something that they couldn’t deliver on (i.e. I pay for 3 discs at a time, but you can only give me 1 disc right now).

Apparently shifting his queue in this way worked, and his “Very long wait” for 40 Year Old Virgin changed to “Shipping” within an hour. Of course nobody wants to deal with taking all of their DVDs out of their (potentially very long) Netflix queue. Instead, it might be worth a try setting up Multiple Netflix queues to accomplish this hack.

Anyone had any luck with this or similar strategies? Comment, or send an email to tips at lifehacker.com.
Tip for beating Netflix throttle
I did that with Wedding Crashers when I added my fiance to my account. It didn't work. I used to get pretty much everything as soon as it came out, but now it takes me weeks to get new releases.
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The thing I hate most is when they ship things from far away so it takes 3 or 4 days to get something, and then another 3 or 4 for them to get it back. I'm half tempted to print out a bunch of address labels for their Cleveland location so any time they ship me something from far away I change the return address to Cleveland. I wonder if that would work?
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The thing I hate most is when they ship things from far away so it takes 3 or 4 days to get something, and then another 3 or 4 for them to get it back. I'm half tempted to print out a bunch of address labels for their Cleveland location so any time they ship me something from far away I change the return address to Cleveland. I wonder if that would work?

It might be worth a try. Ours always ship to and from Worcester (30 mins outside Boston), so it's just a one-day turnaround.
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Ok, I'm trying the new account so that Netflix can only ship me the movie I want. I put Waiting in the queue along with Walk the Line (comes out next week, and Harry Potter (comes out in 2 weeks). We'll see if it works.
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The thing I hate most is when they ship things from far away so it takes 3 or 4 days to get something, and then another 3 or 4 for them to get it back. I'm half tempted to print out a bunch of address labels for their Cleveland location so any time they ship me something from far away I change the return address to Cleveland. I wonder if that would work?

Here is what I do...

I get 3 at a time, anytime I get envelopes with the Dayton address on them, I save them, because you can put multiple dvds in one envelope. That way if I ever get stuck with 3 DVD's that all have Columbia SC addresses on them, I can just shove all three of them in a Dayton envelope.

to break it down...

I get three movies all with dayton return addresses on them

burn, i mean *watch* those DVD's,

Shove all 3 of them in one of the return envelopes and send them back

Save the other 2 dayton envelopes

a while down the road, I get some movies with Columbia SC return addresses

*watch* those movies

shove all of them in one of the Dayton OH envelopes I have saved.

Throw the Columbia SC envelopes away.

Rinse, repeat, blowdry
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Here is what I do...

I get 3 at a time, anytime I get envelopes with the Dayton address on them, I save them, because you can put multiple dvds in one envelope. That way if I ever get stuck with 3 DVD's that all have Columbia SC addresses on them, I can just shove all three of them in a Dayton envelope.

to break it down...

I get three movies all with dayton return addresses on them

burn, i mean *watch* those DVD's,

Shove all 3 of them in one of the return envelopes and send them back

Save the other 2 dayton envelopes

a while down the road, I get some movies with Columbia SC return addresses

*watch* those movies

shove all of them in one of the Dayton OH envelopes I have saved.

Throw the Columbia SC envelopes away.

Rinse, repeat, blowdry

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also, here is a very useful site...


One of my favorite things on that site is that every week it posts a list of the new netflix releases for that week

also I would reccomend using the "Flixqueue" program available on that site. It makes managing your queue and searching for movies so much faster/easier

Is that where you got the more than 1 disk per envelope thing? I checked it out earlier.
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