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Need to upgrade to XP Pro

I have XP Home Edition but I need Word, Excel, Frontpage etc... any suggestions on where to buy it to get a decent deal?

XP Pro is an operating system. What you're looking for is Microsoft Office, a software suite, which will run on either XP platform, Home or Pro. XP Pro does not include MS Office, so if you lay down the $$ to upgrade your OS expecting Word, etc, you will be disappointed...

You could try http://www.openoffice.org/ if you just need an office suite. It does the same stuff at MS, but is entirely free. (I don't think they have a front page equivalent though)
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XP Pro is an operating system. What you're looking for is Microsoft Office, a software suite, which will run on either XP platform, Home or Pro. XP Pro does not include MS Office, so if you lay down the $$ to upgrade your OS expecting Word, etc, you will be disappointed...

You could try http://www.openoffice.org/ if you just need an office suite. It does the same stuff at MS, but is entirely free. (I don't think they have a front page equivalent though)

gotcha... I'm not sure why I kept confusing the two. Some else has recommended openoffice.org as well so I'll be checking that out.
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