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go_bucks1974;756431; said:
I am looking for 2 tickets to the game my son and I go to at least one game every just I have had no luck getting tickets this year if anyone has any for a decent price pm me.

I won't be able to help ya with getting tickets for the Wisc game, but in general, if you want to go to almost any game (besides this one probably) you could really just walk up at tip off and buy a ticket for $5 from a scalper. Thats what I do for all the games I feel like going to, and its worked every time (but then again, I live a 3-5 minute walk from the Schott, so I'm not really risking much by showing up without a ticket).
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I know ebay but that is just silly what they are going for, but Im a diehard and still bidding on some. My son will not let me live it down if I dont take him. I send him to the camp every year at OSU and since then he begs me to go. I will pay a fair amount to take him but 400 for a pair in 400's is crazy. I didnt pay that for my football tickets to the michigan or texas game.
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