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MotS&G MotSaG Q&A with an Opponents Blogger- Virginia Tech Week


Shannon via our friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray

We had the opportunity to get with Dwight Lester (@HokieHiVP107) of fightinggobbler.com. We were able to ask his some questions and he ask us that Virginia Tech fans have. You can listen to our podcast that we did with Dwight. Here are some questions he was so graciously able to answer so we could share with you, our readers.

MotSaG: Do you feel Virginia Tech’s defense is going to get to Buckeye quarterback an unprecedented seven times and force 3 interceptions again? Will they be as stiffing as to not allow Ohio State to hardly convert any 3rd downs again? In other words will the Hokie defense be as good as last season.

FG: Last year’s game was about as perfect a scheme and execution as you could have in a big game spot. Bud Fosters “Bear Defense” Cover 0 scheme seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. However, if the scheme had not worked there was not really a backup plan for a defensive scheme. The scheme was amazing but the talent to execute it was there for the Hokies. Believe it or not the defense we have this year might be better than last years. We return our entire front four which includes Dadi Nicolas and Luther Maddy. Also, the secondary is healthy and extremely talented with Kendall Fuller leading the way.

So to answer your question do I believe we will have the same kind of success the answer is no probably not as much success as in 7 sacks and 3 picks. That being said I do believe we have the talent to get to the quarterback and possibly force turnovers. I am not naïve enough to believe the same defense will work two years in a row, however I believe Bud Foster will have more tricks up his sleeve. Foster is an unreal defensive mind and with the talent the Hokies possess across the defensive front and an entire summer to come up with a new scheme I look for the game to be a very interesting chess match.

MotSaG: Ezekiel Elliott had a broken wrist was only given eight carries, Buckeye offensive line and J.T. Barrett only had 2 starts when Virginia Tech came into Columbus and DOMINATED, do you feel that if that game was played towards the end of the season we would have been looking at the same results?

FG: A fanboy answer would be “yeah we beat you once why couldn’t we do it again”. The actual answer is more than likely we would have gotten blown out. Where the Buckeyes grew together as a team and got better as the year progressed the Hokies took a different path. We were devastated by injuries all across the board. We went through 4 running backs being lost for the season, two defensive lineman, two separate secondary players, and 3 off our offensive line just to name a few players. The Hokies seemed to take the momentum they gained from a huge road victory and flush it down the commode. After all we were struggling at the end of the year to keep our 22 bowl game streak alive. Honestly, even if we played another perfect game at the end of the year against the Buckeyes I believe we would have come up short because of all the injuries.

MotSaG: How in the world did the Hokies come into The Horseshoe and dominate the way they did and turn around and get beat by lesser talent? Is this a coaching issue, Beamer didn’t get his guys up for lesser opponents? Is it time for a coaching change I know they is speculation this season or next might be his last.

FG: I don’t think is necessarily a coaching issue or a motivation issue for the Hokies. For some reason the Hokies have the knack of losing to teams they have no business even being in close games with. For some reason it seems the Hokies most times play down to the competition. The prevailing theory is no matter what is said by the coaching staff in pregame the team sometimes gets too loose before games. All Hokie fans have nightmares about losing to lesser teams the James Madison Game was the most recent nightmare.

As far as a coaching change, Beamer is going to get to leave on his own terms. He has a similar type of equity as the likes of Bobby Bowden and Joe Paterno had before they choose to retire. That being said Beamer might be on the downward slide toward his retirement. Last season Beamer had some surgery which forced him to coach from the press box. His son Shane took over the coaching duties on the field and in the media which was very telling to most Hokie fans, as Bud Foster is believed to be the Heir to the Hokie head coaching job. If Beamer’s health holds he could coach for possibly 5 more years however, the better bet is for his impressive tenure to end after next season. I say next season because of the Hokies much anticipated game against Tennessee at Bristol Motor Speedway. Beamer has done most of the promotion for the game and with a not so stable coaching position at Tennessee the game officials probably want a familiar face to remain.

MotSaG: Seems the Hokies offense has been very inconsistent, what should Buckeye fans keep an eye out for that might become a major spark for Virginia Tech this season.

FG: Three major players to watch out for on the offensive side of the ball will be JC Coleman, Bucky Hodges of course Michael Brewer. Coleman is the Hokies starting running back this season after being 4th on the depth chart last season. He is a beast on the field and in the weight room. Some of his bench and squat numbers are unbelievable for a guy his size. Coleman revamped the Hokies rushing attack. When Colman became the starter the yards per carry went from 3.6 to 6.4.
Bucky Hodges is a nightmare matchup for all of the Hokies opponents. His size and speed are unreal assets for him as a player. Hodges can literally lineup anywhere in the offense, which is a huge weapon for the Hokies. I look for Hodges to have a huge season starting with the Ohio State game.

Michael Brewer is the quarterback that could not miss last season against Ohio State. However, for the majority of the season he was wildly inconsistent. Brewer however, is another year older, and has a better grasp on the offense. Brewer made some great plays with his feet last year as well as his arm. Brewer will have to play well for the Hokies to have a chance against the Buckeyes.

MotSaG: Unfortunately its been a while since we have heard VT mentioned for National Championship contention. Can this be the team to restart the discussion and bring the Hokies to the table and challenge for the ACC?

FG: I think this team is more talented than the teams we have had in the past years. A run the ACC championship is not out of the question at all. However, a run to the college football playoff might be a little out of reach this year. The Hokies need a good season with success in order to get the program back on track towards the National Championship picture. A win over the Buckeyes would give this year’s a huge boost of momentum towards a goal of a championship this season, and a huge boost towards recruiting. There is a place in the Athletic Center reserved for a national championship trophy whether or not if I will see the space filled or not is yet to be seen.

I would like to thank Dwight Lester of fightinggobbler.com once again for joining us this week to discuss the big Monday night game. Can’t wait to get this going as I am sure you feel the same way. If you want to know our predictions don’t forget to listen to our show, we would love to here some of your predictions. Feel free to let us know in the comment section.

Go Bucks!!!


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