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MotS&G MotSaG Podcast Rainbow Warrior Review and Huskie Discussion


MotSaG Podcast Rainbow Warrior Review and Huskie Discussion
via our good friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here

Chip Minnich and myself (Shannon Sommers) go over the Hawaii game. We talk about the lackluster offense, who was responsible (fatigue or players/coaches). I discuss being at the game and enjoying the great college football atmosphere.

We breakdown Northern Illinois. What they look like and what to expect when they come to The Shoe this Saturday. We discuss the players for the Huskies and who to keep an eye on. We also give our predictions for the four biggest games this weekend, I am currently down by two games to Chip.

Hope you enjoy the show, don’t forget you can subscribe to us on iTunes, sticher, soundcloud and listen to us on Buckeye Sports Radio. Please leave a comment on iTunes and a rating help us spread the word on our show.


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