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MotS&G Men of the Scarlet and Gray Podcast Who’s disrespecting Sparty on Their Trip to Columbus


Men of the Scarlet and Gray Podcast Who’s disrespecting Sparty on Their Trip to Columbus
via our good friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here

The one game everyone has been waiting for is finally here. Michigan State Spartans come to the Horseshoe as the #9 ranked team in the country. Mark Dantonio has his team in the right situation and Hondo Carpenter from SpartanNation.com tells us all about it. He discusses with us what he sees from the Buckeyes so far this season and gives us some great stories about Dantonio and Jim Tressel. This really is must listen to stuff.

We are very thankful for Hondo taking the time out to talk with Chip and me to inform your our wonderful listeners. Chip and I also recap the Illinois game that everyone in the country thinks Ohio State looks bad. Guess when you’re favored to win by 17 and actually beat the spread it means nothing. We also give our predictions for this weekend’s games and answer the #AsKMotSaG questions.

Since we failed to mention in our show want to remind folks of Ohio State’s new bag policy for the stadium. You are no longer allowed to bring a backpack in. Everything has to be in a clear bag. Hope you all enjoy the show as it seems you really have been enjoying what we are doing for all of you and you will all never understand how great it makes us feel so Thank You to our wonderful listeners.


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