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tBBC Mekka Don Brings the “Juice” in new Music Video Release

Joe Dexter

Mekka Don Brings the “Juice” in new Music Video Release
Joe Dexter
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


When our friend Mekka Don tells us that he has something to show us, there’s no doubt we have a hard time containing our excitement.

Since late summer, we’ve been anticipating this day as Buckeye fans, as one of the legendary theme songs of Buckeye Nation and the Ohio State program got a bit prettier.

Today is the day that we got to see the official music video to a song that Ohio State fans know by heart.

“Juice” is here at a whole new level, with Mekka Don’s new music video. Here’s the definition of Juice in his own words.

The “JUICE” movement at Ohio State stemming from Urban Meyer’s famous “Bring The Juice” mantra has swept through and captured Buckeye Nation. The term promotes energy, confidence, swagger, and competing with an edge. From apparel to chants to music, “Juice” is something that will forever be a part of OSU and the Urban Meyer era. Several famous OSU celebs from Archie Griffin to Cris Carter to Troy Smith have been seen sporting “Juice” gear.

Ohio recording artist and former Buckeye Mekka Don has captured this energy in song per the request of OSU’s coaches. Check out officially licensed OSU anthem “Juice” by @MekkaDonMusic

As the Buckeyes, push toward the College Football Playoffs, will they “Bring The Juice”?

Without further ado — Here it is!

The post Mekka Don Brings the “Juice” in new Music Video Release appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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