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tBBC Making Sense Of The J.T. Barrett Chaos


Making Sense Of The J.T. Barrett Chaos
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


What a way to wake-up on a Saturday morning that seemed like the start of an uneventful weekend based on The Ohio State University’s Football bye-week. Heading for bed Friday night – this could and would have never been imagined.

We all know of the unfortunate news to which I am addressing. J.T. Barrett was arrested for Drunken Driving while operating a motor vehicle (OVI – Operating Vehicle Intoxicated).

The Columbus Police Department was operating two checkpoints overnight: The first was located at North High Street at McMillen Ave., the second was at North High Street and East Tompkins. J.T. was stopped in the area of Hudson and High Streets.

J.T. reportedly was registered just above the legal limit of .08 when tested for blood-alcohol content. What is most interesting in this report is that the .08 threshold is for the age group of 21 and above. J.T. is 20 years old. The State limitation for under the age of 21 is .02. This means he was over the charts for his legal group. By being underage the charge is a misdemeanor – thus the decision by Coach Meyer to suspend J.T. for one game (Minnesota – Nov. 6th) instead of the mandatory two games which is listed in Ohio State’s student-athlete drug and alcohol policy: “A FIRST positive violation by an underage student is treated as a SECOND positive if the student is underage” – which in both counts is the case here. OSU’s OWN policy clearly says that ANY FIRST violation is to be treated as a SECOND if involving an underage athlete – hence a two game suspension. The Charge though is a misdemeanor – no wording outlines this reality in the policy – which granted an altering of interpretation(s).

Joe Barrett, J.T.’s father told the Columbus Dispatch, “All is good …just a young man’s mistake that he must learn from.”

That’s to say the least.

J.T.’s unraveling, now in hindsight, was apparent when recently he went on what we determined was a J.T. uncharacteristic rant of arm strength. Only “the haters” read more into this than Buckeye Nation did – but watch as this drama unfolds all of the dime-store psychiatrists will appear in the press (blogs included) as they flood their diagnoses for the world to see from here out.

Whatever the outcome is from this very unfortunate situation we are at the hands of unpredictability. In the next month J.T.’s plight will simply not be known. Most likely his court date and his future pertaining to this “bad” mistake will be some time in early December. Until then there is nothing that can be done.

This is why I feel that Ohio State is making a mistake. Finding a loop-hole in their own student-athlete drug-alcohol policy in order to keep the Buckeye’s “hopes” alive is not taking the interest of J.T. as the priority – but that of the Football Program first.

It would perhaps help in any sentencing for J.T. (regardless if a misdemeanor & a first offense) if Coach Meyer decided to sit him for two games. The games would be against Minnesota, of which is already granted, but by adding the Illinois game it projects a “no toleration” for infractions against the School’s policies – including the Star QB. It also does not hurt the Buckeyes football chances (Though upset-minded MN & IL will disagree) prior to the heat of what is guaranteed in late Nov., in the *ichigan State & TTUN games.

This too may set J.T. right. Something’s happening here that does not seem like J.T. (the rant & now the OVI). But then again as fans in the armchair we often think we know the players and coaches as if they were family. All we realistically need to know here is that J.T. is in trouble. He needs to be the priority. He needs the attention and help that will set him straight. This, in fact, will benefit The Ohio State University’s Football Program.

Unless they handle this situation on a game-by-game basis, as more information on the situation unfolds. Which could ultimately be the intent of head coach Urban Meyer.

J.T. will undoubtedly be missed. He exploded back onto the scene and granted more hope than we could have ever hoped for. But Cardale is now our QB – again. There is no avoiding this. So Buckeye Nation needs to relax and say a prayer or two for J.T. & embrace Cardale. Both Cardale & the Offense (as well as the Defense) will step up in respect & honor of J.T., their Captain – whom they voted for – & The Program.

They are The Eleven Warriors. Or have we forgotten that?

The post Making Sense Of The J.T. Barrett Chaos appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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