Retired Super Hero
Schedule change update:
the game against Nicholls originally scheduled for last night in Thibodaux will now be played on April 8th in Thibodaux (tickets for last nights game must be used for this game).
the game against Nicholls originally schedule for April 8th in Baton Rouge will now be played February 24th in Baton Rouge (tickets for the original April 8th game must be used for the Feb 24th game).
the game against Nicholls originally scheduled for last night in Thibodaux will now be played on April 8th in Thibodaux (tickets for last nights game must be used for this game).
the game against Nicholls originally schedule for April 8th in Baton Rouge will now be played February 24th in Baton Rouge (tickets for the original April 8th game must be used for the Feb 24th game).