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BTN Live today at 2:30 p.m. ET: Pregame Field Pass cameras from Ohio State

BTN.com staff

Live today at 2:30 p.m. ET: Pregame Field Pass cameras from Ohio State
BTN.com staff via Big Ten Network

Our exclusive Field Pass cameras only available with BTN2Go go live at 2:30 p.m. ET today with look-ins on the Ohio State Buckeyes warming up before their matchup against Hawaii. Just click this link to watch. Use that same link to watch the entire game live, too. Log onto BTN2Go.com or launch the BTN2Go app on your mobile device to access our Field Pass camera. Our cameras will focus on both Ohio State and Hawaii warming up prior to the game, plus any other activity in the stadium, including pregame band performances. Keep an eye out for Hawaii’s “Haka” chant on Field Pass leading up

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