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MotS&G LEAKED SCRIPT!!!! Spoilers for the 2015 Buckeyes Season

Ryan Black

Ryan Black via our friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray


The first scene of the 2015 College Football season begins tonight with three solid matchups for a Thursday evening. Is Michigan a threat this season? Can the Gophers stun TCU? Will any of these teams mean anything come January?

Let’s not worry ourselves with the Benvolios and the Friar Johns for now. If you don’t know what I am talking about- good, you get my point.

So forget about the supporting cast of this 5 month drama, let’s focus on the main protagonist- The Ohio State Buckeyes.

This dreamy leading man came out of nowhere with his thrilling 2014 National Title Blockbuster and he is looking to deliver another award winning performance in 2015. Most counted him out after apparently being left for dead by Virginia Tech early in act 1, but he came out of nowhere to end up on top in the story’s conclusion.

What can we expect from this years tale? What if I told you that I found a LEAKED SCRIPT that contains all the scenes featuring Ohio State? Sometimes dumpster diving pays off in the end!

People don’t like to admit it but everybody loves knowing things before other people. I’m here for you now! I’ve read through most of this 800 page script and have answers about the upcoming season for you.

Here are 10 spoilers for 2015:

Who is the Quarterback?

Plot: Blah Blah Blah Yada Yada Yada. Cardale or JT? You’ve heard it asked a million times and I finally have an answer for you.

Spoiler: J.T. starts the season. Cardale gets plenty of action as the #2.

Which player replaces Devin Smith’s productivity?

Plot: One of Ohio State’s best receivers ever is now off to the NFL. Which cat will help offset his loss and be able to stretch the field?

Spoiler: Corey Smith (suspended in week 1) will leave his mark with 5 touchdowns over 30 yards for the year.

How many yards will Zeke Elliott rush for?

Plot: If Ohio State plays the standard 13 games for a bowl eligible team he will need to average 150 ypg. A loss in the Semi finals- 140. A title game appearance- 130.

Spoiler: Too many blowouts and other players who need touches limit him to 1800 and a Heisman invite.

Which starter will struggle the most?

Plot: The two deep was released on Tuesday; which starting Buckeye will struggle this season?

Spoiler: Gareon Conley will have some hiccups the first month of the season. Especially against the talented Virginia Tech wide receivers, the air raid attack of Hawaii and the underrated Broncos of Western Michigan.

Will a freshmen see meaningful snaps this season?

Plot: Ohio State had a stellar 2014 and 2015 recruiting pull. Will any redshirt/true freshmen contribute in a non blow out capacity?

Spoiler: Mike Weber, Johnnie Dixon, Terry McLaurin, Sam Hubbard, Darius Slade and Parris Campbell will all make plays and be on the field when a game is on the line.

How well will Braxton Miller play at HB/WR?

Plot: Can he stay healthy? Is he a shiny decoy or a stud HB?

Spoiler: Misses 3 games due to injury/precaution. 700 yards receiving. 400 rushing. 8 TDS (1 punt return TD).

Who is the Defensive MVP?

Plot: So many candidates. 1 award.

Spoiler: Darron Lee will be heading to the NFL after his spectacular r/s sophomore season and Butkus award.

Who is the Offensive MVP?

Plot: Quarterback? Elliott? Thomas? Miller? Other?

Spoiler: The offensive line is an easy copout. Sue me.

What team puts up the biggest fight on the schedule?

Plot: Ohio State should be double digit favorites in every game. Who doesn’t listen and scares the Bucks?

Spoiler: MSU Michigan and Virginia Tech will all be within striking distance at the start of the 4th quarter.

How does Ohio State finish?

Plot: The biggest question of all. Where does Ohio State end up.

Spoiler: Ahhh, I was just finishing that part myself-After defeating Clemson in the first round of the College Football Playoff, the Buckeyes face an incredible struggle against Auburn. The game comes down to the final drive.

Auburn is trailing by 4 at OSU’s 8 yardline with 7 seconds left. 4th and goal!


What in the name of Woody? The final page is missing?

Guess we’ll have to find out about the ending in January.



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