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LGHL JaQuan Lyle confirms Louisville escorts allegations to NCAA, eligibility not in danger

Matt Brown

JaQuan Lyle confirms Louisville escorts allegations to NCAA, eligibility not in danger
Matt Brown
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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Former Louisville commit JaQuan Lyle's name is popping up in the Louisville escort scandal, but it shouldn't impact his ability to play for the Buckeyes

Last week, all eyes in the college basketball world turned to Louisville, after an escort co-authored a book alleging that a Louisville basketball staff member "paid escorts to dance for and have sex with players and recruits." If true, such events would certainly be NCAA violations, which could impact one of the more storied and successful programs in the sport.

Ohio State's JaQuan Lyle was mentioned in the book, as the author claims that she took four escorts to "do a show" for Lyle when he was a recruit. Lyle originally committed to Louisville back in June of 2013, before decommitting.

According to CBS Sports, Lyle met with the NCAA and confirmed the allegations towards Louisville. Per the source in the CBS story, Lyle "told the truth."

Whatever this may mean for Louisville, it doesn't appear to be an immediate threat to Lyle, or Ohio State. Ohio State associate athletic director for communications, Dan Wallenberg told Yahoo! Sports that the university does not expect this story or event to impact the team. "It does not affect us or JaQuan at all," Wallenberg told Yahoo! Sports. "We've been told, and are pretty confident, this is not something we need to worry about."

Lyle, a four-star combo guard, is slated to play a significant role for Ohio State's basketball team this season, replacing the departed D'Angelo Russell.

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