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Jantel Lavender wins 4th Big Ten MVP Award!


Loves Buckeye History
Staff member
'16 & '17 Upset Contest Winner
Congrats to Jantel on becoming the first basketball player (male or female) to win 4 Big Ten MVP Awards!





Ohio State's Jantel Lavender was named Big Ten Player of the Year for the fourth time, becoming the first men's or women's Big Ten basketball player to do so.

Feb. 28, 2011

PARK RIDGE, Ill. - The Big Ten Conference announced the women's basketball all-conference teams and individual award winners on Monday. Michigan State's Kalisha Keane was selected as the Big Ten Player of the Year by the conference coaches, while Ohio State's Jantel Lavender earned top billing from the media. Lavender's award marks her fourth Player of the Year honor, making her the only women's or men's basketball player in conference history to earn the award four times. She is also the only women's basketball player among the Big Ten, ACC, Big East, Big 12, Pac-10 or SEC to accomplish the feat.


Lavender led the Big Ten in scoring and rebounding, posting 22.6 points and 10.7 rebounds per game this season en route to her fourth Player of the Year award. She picked up six conference Player of the Week honors this season, pushing her career total to 18, the most in Big Ten history. The Cleveland, Ohio, native became the Big Ten's all-time rebounding leader this season, racking up 1,352 boards in her career. She is also just the second player in conference history to amass 2,600 points.
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