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LGHL It's here! Print your own 2015 Ohio State football graphic schedule

Luke Zimmermann

It's here! Print your own 2015 Ohio State football graphic schedule
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


It's *finally* here! Get a downloadable/printable 2015 Ohio State football schedule to make your Michigan fan coworkers despise you even more.

After another long hard offseason, college football is back. And after that cathartic victory over Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, it couldn't have started much better.

How do you follow up national championship, particularly when Urban Meyer is your head coach? Well, we're about to find out.

Though it's a lot later than we wanted it to be, with football back, what better time than now to stare at Ohio State's remaining games and figure out which you're going to?

For the third straight year, by popular demand, we're bringing you a cool, printable Ohio State football schedule. Just like last year, you won't have to wait two weeks to get a color version; it's here right out of the gates.

While you've probably been suckered into a fall wedding or two (three? Shame on you), it's never a bad thing to get ahead of the calendar and plan some funs weekends around the best and potentially most compelling Ohio State games this fall.

And let's be honest, if you aren't printing off a couple dozen of these puppies and taping them around a Michigan alum/fan coworker's desk, you're not really doing your job, now are you?

Click on the color or black and white versions below and then simply hit File->Print to win the day (or, alternatively, File->Save to your desktop and print from the PDF reader of your choosing).

Go Bucks -- and thanks for your continued support of Land-Grant Holy Land.


Black and white

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